Category "smarty3"

Smarty: undefined extension class 'Smarty_Internal_Method_Get_Template_Vars'

I'm trying to migrate from my old PHP 5.4.45 + Smarty 2.6.28 to my new PHP 7.2.25 + Smarty 3.1.33. I'm tuning some small pieces of code, it works in most of we

CS-cart - assigning variables into config file

In my CS-cart 4 PHP project I have a Smarty 3 (tpl) view file.. There I have defined one JavaScript function like: <script type="text/javascript">

How to add object to smarty without error: undefined extension class 'Smarty_Internal_Method_Register_Object'

I added Smarty 3.1.33 to my project with composer. The basic functionality works fine, but now to my I want to add an object to Smarty. For this I follow the do