Category "snowflake-cloud-data-platform"

Is there a way to create a snowflake external stage, which reads data from s3 access point?

I want to create an external stage in snowflake, which will use S3 access point to access files stored in S3 bucket. I've started by creating a IAM Role, with a

Why can I not refresh my Snowflake External Table?

I am getting the message "query produced no results" when I try to execute a refresh of my external table in Snowflake. Below are the steps I have taken leadin

Snowflake Credit Usage too high compared to query runtime

I am looking at the queries performed against my warehouse and finding the credit calculation I'm using doesn't add up to what's being shown in snowflake. As I

Can you provision users and authenticate in Snowflake using CIAM solutions?

Snowflake's federation authentication documentation does not explicitly mention Customer Identity Access Management (CIAM):

Cross cloud storage integration in Snowflake

I need information if cross cloud storage integration is allowed in Snowflake. Scenario :: My Snowflake account is hosted on AWS(Standard edition) & is oper

Error while parsing, when loading the data from snowflake having array datatype

I am trying to read data from snowflake and load it to other storage location. I am using snowflake jdbc driver 3.12.9 to read the data and jackson library(2.10

Matillion to Snowflake connection is showing error 'Default Database must not be empty'

I am trying to connect Snowflake to Matillion ETL using key-pair authentication. I'm facing the error 'Default Database must not be empty'. We have given a defa

XML data at level 3/4 getting NULLs

I got my source data XML into snowflake stage tables. It's quite a complex XML document data for each record in the table. I got some of the elements using flat

create a new column that contains a list of values from another column subsequent rows

I have a table like below, and want to create a new column that contains a list of values from another column subsequent rows like below, for copy paste: time

Error handling block not executing in snowflake using SQL

I'm trying to implement error handling in snowflake using Try Catch block. Enclosed SQL queries in javascript for applying error handling. When I execute the qu

How to pull out the word I need in a column in Snowflake?

So I have a column in a table as follows: TBL JFK 257: Gremlin vs Ronald 2 JFK 271: Walter vs Hamburglar JFK 272: Pizza vs Papa 1 JFK 272: Pizza vs Papa 2 JFK 2

Custom Sink to Snowflake using Snowflake JDBC driver is very slow

I am using Spring Cloud Data Flow to create a custom stream to load data into Snowflake. I have written a custom sink to load data into Snowflake using Snowflak

Duplicate Primary Key while doing latteral flattening in SNOWFLAKE

I am kind a new with working with arrays in SNOWFLAKE database. I am trying to load data into dimension tables in SNOWFLAKE database using merge statement where

alternative for alter session set week_start in snowflake

I need to set week start from sunday as default in snowflake i used alter session set WEEK_START = 7; when querying in snowflake worksheet it works fine but wh

How to convert a hash string to an integer in Snowflake?

I'm trying to get a hash of a decimal value and convert it to an integer. But the query results in the following error: Numeric value 'b902cc4550838229a710bfec4

SnowFlake & PowerBI "native queries aren't support by this value"

Quick Note, I have reviewed these threads and they do not fix my issue: ( Outdated info, see documentation below ) Access Snowflake query results through PowerB

How do I return single orderid having same rank?

I have the following output: Orderid Time State Order_rank 1 10.15 mfr 1 1 10.15 delivered 1 2 12.10 picked 1 2 12.10 mfr 1 Here I have ranked the order ids w

Snowflake SQL Compilation Error: View Definition Declared but view Query Produced

I've just gotten a new query error that I haven't changed anything to. Any advice on what to do? Thanks SQL compilation error: View definition for '**********'

Snowflake query_history gets reset after warehouse suspension

I am using the following query to retrieve query history from my Snowflake database. SELECT * FROM table(MY_DATABASE.information_schema.query_history( end_tim

AUTOINCREMENT primary key for snowflake bulk loading

I would like to upload data into snowflake table. The snowflake table has a primary key field with AUTOINCREMENT. When I tried to upload data into snowflake wi