I want to create an external stage in snowflake, which will use S3 access point to access files stored in S3 bucket. I've started by creating a IAM Role, with a
I am getting the message "query produced no results" when I try to execute a refresh of my external table in Snowflake. Below are the steps I have taken leadin
I am looking at the queries performed against my warehouse and finding the credit calculation I'm using doesn't add up to what's being shown in snowflake. As I
Snowflake's federation authentication documentation does not explicitly mention Customer Identity Access Management (CIAM): https://docs.snowflake.com/en/user-g
I need information if cross cloud storage integration is allowed in Snowflake. Scenario :: My Snowflake account is hosted on AWS(Standard edition) & is oper
I am trying to read data from snowflake and load it to other storage location. I am using snowflake jdbc driver 3.12.9 to read the data and jackson library(2.10
I am trying to connect Snowflake to Matillion ETL using key-pair authentication. I'm facing the error 'Default Database must not be empty'. We have given a defa
I got my source data XML into snowflake stage tables. It's quite a complex XML document data for each record in the table. I got some of the elements using flat
I have a table like below, and want to create a new column that contains a list of values from another column subsequent rows like below, for copy paste: time
I'm trying to implement error handling in snowflake using Try Catch block. Enclosed SQL queries in javascript for applying error handling. When I execute the qu
So I have a column in a table as follows: TBL JFK 257: Gremlin vs Ronald 2 JFK 271: Walter vs Hamburglar JFK 272: Pizza vs Papa 1 JFK 272: Pizza vs Papa 2 JFK 2
I am using Spring Cloud Data Flow to create a custom stream to load data into Snowflake. I have written a custom sink to load data into Snowflake using Snowflak
I am kind a new with working with arrays in SNOWFLAKE database. I am trying to load data into dimension tables in SNOWFLAKE database using merge statement where
I need to set week start from sunday as default in snowflake i used alter session set WEEK_START = 7; when querying in snowflake worksheet it works fine but wh
I'm trying to get a hash of a decimal value and convert it to an integer. But the query results in the following error: Numeric value 'b902cc4550838229a710bfec4
Quick Note, I have reviewed these threads and they do not fix my issue: ( Outdated info, see documentation below ) Access Snowflake query results through PowerB
I have the following output: Orderid Time State Order_rank 1 10.15 mfr 1 1 10.15 delivered 1 2 12.10 picked 1 2 12.10 mfr 1 Here I have ranked the order ids w
I've just gotten a new query error that I haven't changed anything to. Any advice on what to do? Thanks SQL compilation error: View definition for '**********'
I am using the following query to retrieve query history from my Snowflake database. SELECT * FROM table(MY_DATABASE.information_schema.query_history( end_tim
I would like to upload data into snowflake table. The snowflake table has a primary key field with AUTOINCREMENT. When I tried to upload data into snowflake wi