Category "speech-synthesis"

Tacotron2 traning new languages for speech synthesis using Pytorch

I wanted to see if it's possibe to train the Tacotron2 model for languages other than English (LJ Speech Dataset) using Pytorch. If so, how do I train the model

Speech Synthesis is not working in Safari MacOS 12.3

The Speech Synthesis API does not work on Safari on MacOS 12.3 (It is working on MacOS11). I have the code below where when user clicks a button will call speak

When will SpeechSynthesis.speak work on iOS Safari?

I've been exploring the limits on SpeechSynthesis.speak on iOS Safari. I believe the current rules are more restrictive than there were in the recent past. Are

Getting the list of voices in speechSynthesis (Web Speech API)

Following HTML shows empty array in console on first click: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <script> function tes