Category "spring"

How to convert a JSON request into a list of specific format n spring?

I have a request JSON list like this: [ { Id: 0, values: [a, b, c, d] }, { Id: 1, values: [1, 2, 3, 4] }, . . . ] How do I convert this to a lis

Apache CXF JaxWsProxyFactoryBean SSL Configuration call to external https fails

I have a spring microservice docker deployed. I use JaxWsProxyFactoryBean to call an external server (soap/wsdl) and all goes well using http://externalServer:

java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: javax.sql.rowset.RowSetProvider

I'm running a Gradle project in Docker and when I try to hit an endpoint through Postman I receive the following error. When I run it locally through Gradle it

How to modify an existing PDF file contents in Java

I am using a Spring Boot application and I need to dynamically populate the blanks in an existing PDF using the values from the database. I have attached the im

How to access file in Spring Boot Cloud Config from another branch

When connecting to a git-configured spring boot cloud config server, how do you reference a different branch? Currently I can access a subfolder's data by doing

Jpa reader Spring Batch

I would like to know, if this way is recommended to implement the reader spring batch with jpa or is it better to look for another solution and if this way is n

Changing x-axis in grafana graph to custom time series sent as label of gauge

I am working on a project in java using spring boot that requires working on prometheus and grafana. To send data to prometheus end-point, I am using "gauge" ha

Saving entity with Spring JPA Repository resets enum ttype value

I have an TimelineEntity entity, that uses HoTimelineType enum with custom integer value. That custom integer value is stored in the database. Implemented via U

suppress stacktrace from spring webclient/netty layer

In one of the apps my team manages, there's a GraphQL orchestration layer that calls a downstream service. We use Spring's webclient for it. WebClient Config. W

suppress stacktrace from spring webclient/netty layer

In one of the apps my team manages, there's a GraphQL orchestration layer that calls a downstream service. We use Spring's webclient for it. WebClient Config. W

Can't use WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter in a custom spring boot starter

I'm trying to create my own spring boot starter for my custom security configuration (LDAP + JWT) via defining configuration class which extends from WebSecurit

Spring doesn't load JavaTimeModule after Spring Update just load legacy one

I updated my project from spring boot 2.3.8 to 2.6.7 and I upgrade the jackson version to 2.13.2 I set the JavaTimeModule like this: @Bean @Primary public Obj

rabbitMQ sender with node-red

I am trying to connect node-red with rabbitMQ. The program will recive a text with the diet that the AI chose for each day. I made the rabbitMQ Configure java f

Spring drastically slows down score evaluation speed of Optaplanner solver

I have a following piece of code @SpringBootApplication public class ServerApplication { public static void main(String[] args) { SpringApplication.

Grafana graphing HTTP requests per minute with http_server_requests_seconds_count

I have a Spring boot app throwing out open metric stats using micrometer. For each of my HTTP endpoints, I can see the following metric which I believe tracks t

@Transactional on @Async methods in Spring Boot with shared object

I have a requirement where I have to save a lot of data into an Oracle DB. I want to use multithreading to speed things up. Everything is in a transaction. I ha

After upgrading Spring version from 5.2.20.RELEASE to 5.3.18 Dispatcher responses with 404

I just tried to upgrade my Spring MVC application fro 4.3 to 5.3 and ended with no page in the browser and no message in any log file. The runtime environment i

Adding dependencies to existing project via Spring CLI

Is there any way to add dependencies to existing spring project using Spring CLI (for instance via shell)? I tried to looked for on this website

WebLogic - Spring Boot and RmiDataSource

I'm trying to deploy a Spring Boot app through Eclipse to a WebLogic server running localhost. It gives the following error: org.springframework.context.Applica

com.mongodb.MongoSocketOpenException: Exception opening socket with spring boot and mongodb cloud

Please suggest any solution for the below exception which is occuring while running my rest api while executing springboot application with mongodb cloud db. I