Category "spring"

@Transactional on @Async methods in Spring Boot with shared object

I have a requirement where I have to save a lot of data into an Oracle DB. I want to use multithreading to speed things up. Everything is in a transaction. I ha

After upgrading Spring version from 5.2.20.RELEASE to 5.3.18 Dispatcher responses with 404

I just tried to upgrade my Spring MVC application fro 4.3 to 5.3 and ended with no page in the browser and no message in any log file. The runtime environment i

Adding dependencies to existing project via Spring CLI

Is there any way to add dependencies to existing spring project using Spring CLI (for instance via shell)? I tried to looked for on this website

WebLogic - Spring Boot and RmiDataSource

I'm trying to deploy a Spring Boot app through Eclipse to a WebLogic server running localhost. It gives the following error: org.springframework.context.Applica

com.mongodb.MongoSocketOpenException: Exception opening socket with spring boot and mongodb cloud

Please suggest any solution for the below exception which is occuring while running my rest api while executing springboot application with mongodb cloud db. I

intellij mass refactoring using macros

I am working on a project in intellij using java and spring. I want to change in multiple files my api's in a similar way like this: instead of: public void som

Error creating bean with name 'securityConfig': Requested bean is currently in creation:

package ro.contabilitateexpert.AccountExpert.config; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.context.annotati

Do I have to use @Payload spring annotation to read Kafka message

Spring for Apache Kafka 2.8.4 under shows some of the listener methods with @Payload annotation next to the m

Pre-controller token validation - Spring Interceptor?

In my Spring Boot application, I have several roles that are differentiated due to a token. Each one has a different token in the configuration file (.propertie

Getting conversion issue after migrating jackson-databind from 2.11.4 to

We have recently migrated jackson-databind from 3.11.4 to version and springframework from 5.2.19.RELEASE to 5.2.22.RELEASE. after the migration we s

Getting 401 Unauthorized Even when the user is authenticated (Spring Security)

I am working on a simple project with 2 defined roles Admin and User,The admin role has authority to view users by thier usernames but when I login as an admin

When running Swing application with the Spring Framework, Unit tests do not work

I am developing a project through the spring framework. I am using JUnit to run unit tests, swing for the GUI. When I run the system, the GUI opens and I can ac

How to update the password in Spring SecurityContext?

Using Spring Boot 2.6.4. Here is my SecurityConfig class: @Configuration public class SecurityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter { @Autowired Secur

Spring boot 2.1.3.RLEASE to 2.6.6 upgrade and un-supported http method behaviour

I was using spring 2.1.3.RELEASE before. Used to handle all un-supported HTTP methods and endpoints with an custom error like below and it worked; /** * Handle

How to disable Spring Cloud Kubernetes in a Maven build

Running Spring Boot 2.6.6 and Spring Cloud 2021.0.1 I'm attempting to migrate an existing service to Kubernetes so I added a dependency on spring-cloud-starter-

Unable to fetch secrets using Instance Profile from databricks for a spring boot application

I am using spring-cloud-starter-aws-secrets-manager-config 2.3.3 for a spring boot application which works perfectly in my local pointing to stage environment

Why method print() of my class CustomDateFormatter using with my custom spring annotation is never called?

I have a issue with creation of custom annotation in springboot application: I've got a form with few fields with datepicker. Dates must have to be parsed in 2

Spring error "Bean named 'x' is expected to be of type 'y', but was actually of type [com.sun.proxy.$Proxy]"

I am trying to implement a DAO based authentication in an application using Spring Security. When I tried to log in to the application with a user I got this er

Constructor parameter in configuration class required a bean of type 'StratusAuthenticationEntryPoint' that could not be found

Parameter 0 of constructor in ResourceServerConfiguration required a bean of type 'StratusAuthenticationEntryPoint' that could not be found. I am using spring b

Spring boot WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter basic authentication user password validation issue

I'm writing a simple REST API using Spring Boot and I want to enable basic authentication. Therefore I have used the WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter as shown below