Category "spring-boot"

Couldn't retrieve job because a required class was not found, even though previous triggers fired successfully

I have a CRON trigger defined with Quartz, which successfully fires several times and ends up in error state after some cycles, with the following message (clas

Configure Open API 3 - SpringBoot with multiple controller classes

Am trying to configure swagger 3 spring documentation for my springboot application. I have 3 controller classes with 1 functional endpoint method each. If I op

form-data prameters are sent in body, causing the getParameter method to return null

I've recently upgraded to the spring boot version 2.6.3 while using camunda 7.17.0. The login camunda page, sends a post request, but the form-data parameters a

Databricks - spark-submit Error | org.springframework.core.ResolvableType.forInstance(Ljava/lang/Object;)Lorg/springframework/core/ResolvableType

Spark-submit in Databricks cluster.. is giving this error. I am using Spark 3.1.2 Scala 2.12 Springframeworkboot 2.6.3 However spark-submit is running good in m

Create an open-telemetry span using trace-id and span-id in Java

I'm using open-telemetry to trace my applications and have a few microservices and Kafka broker in my distributed system. I'm using Java/spring-boot and in the

IllegalArgumentException("Null KeyStore name") while trying to debug SpringBoot App

I`ve got IllegalArgumentException("Null KeyStore name") in while trying to debug SpringBoot App. Debugging in every other project, including Spr

Camel SFTP with Quartz scheduler: prevent concurrent execution, reject task if busy

Camel 3.11 Spring Boot 2.5 Java 11 I have a dynamic Camel routes that fetches files from an SFTP server. There is one route per SFTP user. The routes are schedu

How do I prevent RSocket from allowing cross origin in Spring Boot?

My Problem I have a spring boot application that uses RSockets. My spring boot app is running on port 8080, and my front-end (React.js) is running on port 3000.

Gateway-service. 500 Server Error for HTTP GET "/"

I'm having some troubles related to the gateway service in Spring boot. I have the following .yml local server: port: 80 #ssl:

TraceID in Microservice Logs

I have been trying to add a trace id to my logs of micro services. I have tried using sleuth and spring cloud and it is working. But I dont want to load spring

Cannot deserialize value of type `java.lang.String` from Array value from mockmvc

public class ModelDTO implements Serializable { private Long id; private String datasetName; @JsonRawValue private String json; } Post API i

customize log file name from code in springboot

I have a simple springboot application with rest end points. Every time I call the rest end point, it performs a certain activity. Right now, all the logging in

Add User provided Environment variables on cloud foundry for VCAP_SERVICE

I need to change the ecs-bucket in VCAP_SERIVCE environment variable with new bucket name and secrete key. However, when I add VCAP_SERVICE variable, cloud foun

What is the purpose of dependency management tag in pom.xml?

Can someone please explain what this dependency do under dependency management and after adding it why we don't need to mention version of our dependencies?

could not extract ResultSet; SQL [n/a]; nested exception is org.hibernate.exception.SQLGrammarException: could not extract ResultSet with oauth

I am doing a rest service with java spring boot. The tables are created correctly in the database and locally test everything works correctly, but when I mount

What is the purpose of dependency management tag in pom.xml?

Can someone please explain what this dependency do under dependency management and after adding it why we don't need to mention version of our dependencies?

Add custom labels to default spring boot actuator metrics

I'm currently working on a Spring boot (webflux) project where we have exposed metrics of our application on /actuator/prometheus endpoint using spring boot act

Why Premature EOF Error has occur, while reading CSV file using SpringBoot Scheduled Task

Below shows the relevant code segments. Is it related to connection close or Buffer memory.? (The file, which contains 50MB+ AND 65000+ Text Lines) @Scheduled(c

How to add bearer token for prometheus job

I have started working on the Prometheus for my microservices. I was able to achieve it initially. Now, it's time to push the actuator endpoint under the spring

How to implement org.springframework.validation.Validator correctly?

I have seen the following validations are done in Spring Boot. I just wanted to validate some validation logic before saving the data to Database. So can anybod