I'm trying to link my microservices to my gateway. , but I'm not able to access the api-docs of my microservice through the gateway. Error from Swagger-UI: Fail
I have a basic Spring Cloud Gateway app that is configured with YAML: server: port: 8080 logging: level: reactor: netty: INFO org: spri
My end goal with this is to implement a way to make composite API calls within the body of a gateway route filter. I have a very basic demo application running
I have spent the last 2 days trying every possible way of modifying the response body of a request before it hits the client, and nothing seems to work for me.
I'm having some troubles related to the gateway service in Spring boot. I have the following .yml #spring.profiles.active: local server: port: 80 #ssl:
I am getting the following exception in the spring gateway. This exception appears when I have configured Redis Sentinel in the gateway, it throughs exception a
So far, I've not seen any solutions that is working for me. I've tried this and this. Here is my custom filter: @Component public class TestFilter implements Gl
I've been searching on how to enable CORS when using Spring Cloud Gateway in addition with Eureka discovery. My application is up and running and everything wo