I am trying the methods I've found at: https://www.logicbig.com/tutorials/spring-framework/spring-data/derived-count-query.html I'm trying to learn about what c
I have a table in PostgreSQL that stores dob as datatype timestamp without timezone example value '1997-12-03 07:00:00'. My entity class is as follows @Tab
I am not using any type of locking. Is it possible that two concurrent saveAll requests trying to save the same set of records could collide with each other and
I have a JPA Entity (Terminal) which uses an AttributeConverter to convert a Database String into a list of Objects (ProgrmRegistration). The converter just us
I have an Employee entity with the following column: @Entity class Employee { @Column(name = "first_name", length = 14) private String firstName; and I hav
I used the ElementCollection annotation on a List object, @ElementCollection(fetch = FetchType.EAGER) @CollectionTable( name = "a", joinC
Thank you in advance, Hello I am new to spring boot. I am facing a problem with spring boot. When I run my URL in postman it shows an error below. I have also u
Here I am trying to achieve the below in AWS RDS. I have a MySQL database instance running. I am thinking of creating a read replica so that I will have some ex
How do I use a parameter multiple times in the same query? Here is my Query: @Query(value = """ SELECT * FROM person WHERE first_name = ? or last_name =
I'm trying to convert the below query into a JPA specification in order to enable more flexible querying of my Rule entities, but i don't find any way of transl
I am using Projection Interface to return a partial view of an Entity, and the partial view contains a Set of String. I expect the Set works as normal but its n
I want to initialise schema using spring.jpa.generate-ddl=true and then populate using data.sql. I tried it but it doesn't seem to work without schema.sql. Any
What is Long here and what on basis do we configure this in JpaRepository? public interface FirstRepository extends JpaRepository<First, Long> { }
I don't want to expose my repositories by default and it looks like RepositoryRestConfiguration.disableDefaultExposure() does exactly what I want; however I get
i need help to solve this error here, for my college project. I created an online database and from there I tried to develop a service to be consumed later, the
I am new to spring state machine and trying to understand which is a better approach whether to persist the state context in a database or to restore the state
I am trying to achieve below native query logic using hibernate (Spring JPA). But save(Iterable) throws exception and rollback the entire transaction if one of
Recently I found it not necessary to call repository.save() if within a @Transactional block. Hibernate / Spring-JPA will update row automatically when exiting
Guess easier if I show you my example: @Entity class User { Long id; Status status; } enum Status { NEW("N"), DELETED("D") } I have an AttributeCon
I'm working on presentation in which I would like to show difference in number of executed sql queries between deleteByPost() method with and without custom que