Category "spring-el"

Invoke method using spring SPEL with property

Is it possible to use a property value to invoke a method while assigning a value? For instance, I know I can do this: @Value("${name}") private String name; //

Preconditions for SpEL DoS vulnerability CVE-2022-22950?

I'm a little confused about CVE-2022-22950 and the corresponding Spring advisory. The latter says that the vulnerability can be exploited through: [...] specia

How to define default null value in application.yml in Spring Boot

I'm trying to define the default value as null value in application.yml with SpringBoot version 1.3.0.RELEASE. The goal is be able to refer it with a class with

Spel not supported on spring annotation @Scheduled.fixedDelayString

I want to configure the fixedDelay in seconds in my properties file, then I want to convert it to millis in @Scheduled annotation. I expected this to work: @Sch