I am working on a simple project with 2 defined roles Admin and User,The admin role has authority to view users by thier usernames but when I login as an admin
Using Spring Boot 2.6.4. Here is my SecurityConfig class: @Configuration public class SecurityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter { @Autowired Secur
I'm writing a simple REST API using Spring Boot and I want to enable basic authentication. Therefore I have used the WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter as shown below
I have used spring security in the past and understand that most of the features of keycloak can be achieved by using spring security ( ldap integration etc ).
I'm new to spring security and I am trying to create a web application with Jwt Token the problem is that i cant authenticate it always give me 401 error with i
As mentioned in the title I can't update my webapp to Spring Boot 2.6.0. I wrote my webapp using Spring Boot 2.5.5 and everything works perfectly. If I update t
is there anybody out there who is using Spring Boot Resource Server & Keycloak? I configured my application.properties withspring.security.oauth2.resourcese
I need to create shopping cart. I have a model CartItem: @Entity @Table(name = "cart_items") public class CartItem { @Id @GeneratedValue(strategy = Generation
In my project i add some validation for Signup form fields. While click on submit button password validation not check orignal password like @AAAzzz123 but it c
I started keycloak by docker-compose -f src/main/docker/keycloak.yml up -d and then gradlew in my project exception occurred as Exception encountered during con
I am using Spring Boot - 2.6.6 and Spring Security - 5.7.0-M2 with the spring-security-saml2-service-provider library to create a SAML service provider applicat
I have started working on the Prometheus for my microservices. I was able to achieve it initially. Now, it's time to push the actuator endpoint under the spring
When I do logout, It should redirect to end_session_endpoint of ADFS which is "https://fed04.fcagroup.com/adfs/oauth2/logout" however its redirecting back to ho
I have changed my spring framework version from 4.1.4.RELEASE to 5.3.6 and spring security version from 3.2.5.RELEASE to 5.4.6. I'm facing problem when using &l
Is there a practical working example of how to programmatically log out from Spring Security? I tried many ways, and no one works; the session ID stays valid in
I have problem with working with custom spring security expressions in Docker. I have functionality for using custom expressions in @PreAuthorize functions. @
I am working on a Spring Boot B2B application, where I would like to onboard a considerable number of tenants. Each of the tenants has its own authentication pr
I'm upgrading my application from Spring Boot 2.5.4 to 2.6.1 and having depency issues: **Description: The dependencies of some of the beans in the application
I am using spring mvc version 5. I am struggling in an autowire problem. I am following a spring security JDBC tutorial. Here is the AppConfiguration.class:
I am using spring mvc version 5. I am struggling in an autowire problem. I am following a spring security JDBC tutorial. Here is the AppConfiguration.class: