Category "spring-security"

Getting 401 Unauthorized Even when the user is authenticated (Spring Security)

I am working on a simple project with 2 defined roles Admin and User,The admin role has authority to view users by thier usernames but when I login as an admin

How to update the password in Spring SecurityContext?

Using Spring Boot 2.6.4. Here is my SecurityConfig class: @Configuration public class SecurityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter { @Autowired Secur

Spring boot WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter basic authentication user password validation issue

I'm writing a simple REST API using Spring Boot and I want to enable basic authentication. Therefore I have used the WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter as shown below

Keycloak and spring security usage

I have used spring security in the past and understand that most of the features of keycloak can be achieved by using spring security ( ldap integration etc ).

spring security authorization error 401 unauthorized

I'm new to spring security and I am trying to create a web application with Jwt Token the problem is that i cant authenticate it always give me 401 error with i

I can't update my webapp to Spring Boot 2.6.0 (2.5.7 works but 2.6.0 doesn't)

As mentioned in the title I can't update my webapp to Spring Boot 2.6.0. I wrote my webapp using Spring Boot 2.5.5 and everything works perfectly. If I update t

Spring Boot Resource Server & Keycloak scope vs. role

is there anybody out there who is using Spring Boot Resource Server & Keycloak? I configured my

How to get an object of current user in Spring Boot+JPA

I need to create shopping cart. I have a model CartItem: @Entity @Table(name = "cart_items") public class CartItem { @Id @GeneratedValue(strategy = Generation

Why validation not work for encoded password

In my project i add some validation for Signup form fields. While click on submit button password validation not check orignal password like @AAAzzz123 but it c

Unable to resolve the OpenID Configuration with the provided Issuer (JHipster with KeyCloak)

I started keycloak by docker-compose -f src/main/docker/keycloak.yml up -d and then gradlew in my project exception occurred as Exception encountered during con

How do you disable the auto generated pages /login and /logout using Spring SAML2?

I am using Spring Boot - 2.6.6 and Spring Security - 5.7.0-M2 with the spring-security-saml2-service-provider library to create a SAML service provider applicat

How to add bearer token for prometheus job

I have started working on the Prometheus for my microservices. I was able to achieve it initially. Now, it's time to push the actuator endpoint under the spring

Unable to logout using spring security OidcClientInitiatedLogoutSuccessHandler from ADFS server

When I do logout, It should redirect to end_session_endpoint of ADFS which is "" however its redirecting back to ho

hasAnyRole() not working with Spring Security 5.4.6

I have changed my spring framework version from 4.1.4.RELEASE to 5.3.6 and spring security version from 3.2.5.RELEASE to 5.4.6. I'm facing problem when using &l

How to log-out Spring Security in Vaadin?

Is there a practical working example of how to programmatically log out from Spring Security? I tried many ways, and no one works; the session ID stays valid in

Custom security expression root not working on docker

I have problem with working with custom spring security expressions in Docker. I have functionality for using custom expressions in @PreAuthorize functions. @

Derive tenant id for signed in user in OAuth2 based multi-tenant Spring Boot application using Spring Security

I am working on a Spring Boot B2B application, where I would like to onboard a considerable number of tenants. Each of the tenants has its own authentication pr

Spring Boot Oauth2 autoconfigure cycle after upgrade

I'm upgrading my application from Spring Boot 2.5.4 to 2.6.1 and having depency issues: **Description: The dependencies of some of the beans in the application

No qualifying bean of type 'javax.sql.DataSource' available

I am using spring mvc version 5. I am struggling in an autowire problem. I am following a spring security JDBC tutorial. Here is the AppConfiguration.class:

No qualifying bean of type 'javax.sql.DataSource' available

I am using spring mvc version 5. I am struggling in an autowire problem. I am following a spring security JDBC tutorial. Here is the AppConfiguration.class: