Category "spring-security"

Where is the documentation for removing Oauth from Spring Security? [closed]

I know OAuth is now supported by Spring Security, so I want to review the official documentation so that I know how to safely remove it from m

How to specify CryptoComply algorithm provider in new Spring SAML2?

Our identity provider uses keys and certificates in the BCFKS format. To use that format in key tool we specify the CryptoComply algorithm (not service) provid

username parameter is empty in loadUserByUsername(String username) - spring boot

This is my UserDetailService: public class StockUserDetailService implements UserDetailsService { @Autowired private UserRepository userRepository;

Howto disable signature verification in Spring Security SAML 5.6.1?

I'm currently migrating from old deprecated Spring Security SAML Extension 1.0.10 to the SAML implementation in Spring Security 5.6.1. In the old extension ther

How can I test the Remember Me checkbox

I am currently setting up a service allowing user login on a web portal, for comfort I have added the "Remember Me" function using Spring Security by using a pe

How to protect reactjs resources with spring boot based authentiation?

My current project state: I am working on a Web Application with ReactJs (frontend) and spring boot (backend). When I deploy this application, I package react

How to protect reactjs resources with spring boot based authentiation?

My current project state: I am working on a Web Application with ReactJs (frontend) and spring boot (backend). When I deploy this application, I package react

Handle Security exceptions in Spring Boot Resource Server

How can I get my custom ResponseEntityExceptionHandler or OAuth2ExceptionRenderer to handle Exceptions raised by Spring security on a pure resource server? We

Spring SecurityConfig not working

I have played with this for some time, but it does not seem to get wired to my project. Here is the file from the last time I edited it. I have permit all so I

class java.lang.String cannot be cast to class

I'm making a reddit clone for practice and when I run it I'm getting the following exception: java.lang.ClassCastException: class java.lang.String cannot be cas

spring security : GrantedAuthority is not importing

i am using the spring security. I added the dependency in the pom.xml but the GrantedAuthority class is not importing in the code. pom.xml is <?xml vers

Spring Boot : Token authentication(bearer) in request headers in rest api when token also comes from calling another api

In my spring boot Application i have a scheduler which calls an API to generate token which expires in 15 min. Time of scheduler is also 15 min. please find bel

How to configure spring to use External LDAP Server

I am learning about Spring Security to LDAP server, right now i am trying to make spring authenticate to ldap server. However, spring always uses the embedded s

Exception sending context initialized event to listener instance of class org.springframework.web.context.ContextLoaderListener Error

I am trying to implement Spring Security within my REST API. My project was working perfectly until I started to implement Spring. I believe the issue has somet

Spring security Ldap authentication Exception : Not an instance of DirContext

I'm trying to connect to a Ldap server (host by the company, don't have much info about it), using Spring Security, I have this bean: @Override public void con

Whitelist for redirect URLs in spring boot

We have a security issue in our project. An attacker can intercept a login request and modify a 'Host' header in it. The server would respond with a redirect (3

Spring Boot Custom Authentication Provider with Java Configuration not working

I am trying to setup a REST based web application, where the frontend is using Reactjs and the backend is using Spring Boot. I am also trying to setup a custom

NoSuchMethodError java.lang.reflect.Method org.springframework.util.ClassUtils.getInterfaceMethodIfPossible(java.lang.reflect.Method, java.lang.Class)

I have a project that JSF works for which I wanted to integrate spring security through the following modifications: Add dependencies in pom.xml: (Updated) <

Authentication Manager Builder in Spring Security

I was exploring spring security and tried to build a small application wherein I have a an entity name User and a userRepository having a one declared method fi

What is the purpose of AuthenticationEntryPoint in Spring Web Security?

What is the purpose of AuthenticationEntryPoint in Spring Web Security? The documentation does not provide much details. When should this be used, and does it