Category "spring-webflux"

Spring webflux - ServerWebExchangeDecorator code is not executed when an exception is thrown

I have a Webflux application, where I have a ServerWebExchangeDecorator that decorates the request and responses. I have overrides to do some logging and then c

How to extract response header & status code from Spring 5 WebClient ClientResponse

I am new to Spring Reactive framework & trying to convert Springboot 1.5.x code into Springboot 2.0. I need to return response header after some filtering,

404 error with swagger-ui and spring webflux

I am developping REST services with Spring Webflux and I want to produce documentation with Swagger2 for my API with. I discovered that Webflux is only supporte

Convert ClientResponse to ServerResponse

I'm trying to write a sort of proxy between a REST-Server and a calling client application, in order to enforce privacy by adding attributes to the REST call.

Reactor Mono, how to synch process (using .map()) and return Mono<void> from response.setComplete()

I have this method which gets redirection url and then redirect to that url private Mono<Void> redirectToUrl(ServerHttpResponse response, String status

Cascade Flux results

I have two actions in Mono, both returning similar object - Mono action1() Mono action2() I tried doing - Flux1.blockFirst(); Flux2.blockFirst(); both of the fl

Spring WebClient aggregates multiple 401 UNAUTHORIZED error to throw Exceptions.CompositeException

When WebClient calls an external api (with different query params) asynchronously with a wrong token, the first few returns with 401 UNAUTHORIZED and the contro

How do you take an initial sample from a flux?

The sample operation takes the first entry from flux after the duration. How can I make it such that I take the first entry on subscribe and then do the rest?

Filter a Flux with a HashSet cellected from another Flux

I have two flux coming from ReactiveMongoDB API: the first will gets the data of date1 the second one gets the data of date2 by the end i want to exclude elemen

Measure execution time in Project Reactor

I'm trying to load test one of my projects and I think somewhere in my changes I may have introduced some point where the performance is getting impacted. Is th

Is there any way to implement pagination in spring webflux and spring data reactive

I'm trying to understand reactive part of spring 5. I have created simple rest endpoint for finding all entities using spring web-flux and spring data reactive

Don't spring-boot-starter-web and spring-boot-starter-webflux work together?

When I start to learn the spring-webflux, I have the question about this component. I built a simple project, using maven to manage it. I addded the dependencie

Spring R2DBC - Connect to a SQL Server Database using Windows Authentication

trying to connect with MSSQL server with windows authentication using reactive(R2DBC) JDBC driver #Data Source Configuration spring: r2dbc: url: r2dbc:mss

Restarting inifinite Flux on error with pubSubReactiveFactory

I'm developing an application which uses reactor libraries to connect with Google pubsub. So I have a Flux of messages. I want it to always consume from the que

WebClient max header size

Is there any way I can configure the max header size for a response? I get the following error from the netty framework : io.netty.handler.codec.TooLongFrameExc

Spring Webflux unaccounted time loss

We have recently switched to ExpediaGroups GraphQL library which is based on Spring Webflux. Since switching our Jaeger Traces show gaps before and after the la