Category "springfox"

Cannot access api-docs of microservice from spring cloud gateway. Failed to load API definition

I'm trying to link my microservices to my gateway. , but I'm not able to access the api-docs of my microservice through the gateway. Error from Swagger-UI: Fail

Springfox swagger-ui 3.0.0 does not bring up swagger-ui.html page

I am using springfox swagger-ui with Springboot but the fileUpload button is not enabled for multipart upload. I tried upgrading to springfox-swagger-ui 3.0.0 b

NullPointerException when upgrading Spring Boot to version 2.6.2

I upgraded by Spring Boot version from 2.5.4 to 2.6.2. Now my app fails at startup because of this error - see below. Any ideas how to fix it? Error starting Ap

How to migrate Springfox' @Api to Springdoc's @Tag?

Manual just says replace @Api -> @Tag. But @Api has produces and consumes parameters, while @Tag has obligatory name parameter. How to migrate @Api(produces

@ApiModelProperty to @Schema

I'm trying to migrate springfox to springdoc using this code: import io.swagger.annotations.ApiModelProperty; @ApiModelProperty(position = 30, required = true,

Document QueryDSL endpoint with Swagger

I'm using Spring Boot Data, QueryDSL and Swagger. I've define endpoint like this: @GetMapping public ResponseEntity<?> listOfThings( @PageableDef

Springfox 3.0.0 is not working with Spring Boot 2.6.0 [duplicate]

Springfox 3.0.0 is not working with Spring Boot 2.6.0, after upgrading I am getting the following error org.springframework.context.Applicatio

Springboot 2.6.0 / Spring fox 3 - Failed to start bean 'documentationPluginsBootstrapper'

I'm trying to initiate a Springboot project using Open Jdk 15, Springboot 2.6.0, Springfox 3. We are working on a project that replaced Netty as the webserver a

Springfox swagger-ui.html unable to infer base URL - Caused by missing cookies

We have our Spring Boot services behind an API Gateway. With an earlier version of Springfox - 2.1.2 we had no issues in loading the swagger-ui.html page. This

Springboot 2.6.7, springdoc 1.6.8 i need to have v3/api-docs and v1/api-docs

I'm trying to upgrade my springboot app from 2.5.9 to 2.6.7 so i needed to migrate from springfox 3.0.0 to springdoc 1.6.8 because of many compatibility issues.

swagger-ui No mapping found for HTTP request

I'm trying to document and existing Rest API a Spring MVC project (NOT spring boot!). My application is called api so http://localhost:9090/api would be the r