Category "sql"

Bulk insert, update if on conflict (bulk upsert) on Postgres

I am writing a data-mining program, which bulk inserts user data. The current SQL is just a plain bulk insert: insert into USERS( id, username, profile_pi

Problem passing user defined variables (JMeter Script)

I don't know how to pass User Defined Variables (from JMeter .jmx Script) on jenkins-taurus.yml (Taurus BlazeMeter configuration file). It keeps pushing the fix

Create a generic procedure, which inserts data into any table

I'm currently working on a .NET application and want to make it as modular as possible. I've already created a basic SELECT procedure, which returns data by che

Convert sql to tuple relational calculus

I'm trying to convert an sql query into tuple relational calculus, but there is a NOT EXIST that causes me to be stuck. SQL query: SELECT num FROM a a1, b b1

Rolling COUNT DISTINCT of n-day active users using T-SQL

I am counting 7-day active users using T-SQL. I used the following code: SELECT *, COUNT(DISTINCT [UserID]) OVER ( PARTITION BY [HospitalID],

Postgres query cost is higher but runs faster

Update on 2022-05-15 After running vacuum analyze, the query plans are below. For A query Nested Loop Left Join (cost=45913.11..496597.16 rows=10 width=128) (a

Convert Number type to Date in postgres SQL

I have a numeric data in a column 20170930, need help in converting it into Date in PostgreSQL , tried multiple ways but non seems to work

How can I check whether a number is contained in comma separated list stored in a varchar column?

I have a table with a varchar column categoryIds. It contains some IDs separated by commas, for example: id categoryIds -------------------- 1 3,

ORA-22806 (not an object or REF) on Join to a view


Designing tags system with nosql/elastic search

I have to design a system with this schema. { "documentId" : 123 "documentType" : "paper" "tags" :["abc","xyz"] //other meta data of document } The queries

What is the special character VT? I need to replace it from MS SQL

Somebody left this special character in the SQL table It more looks like ♂ sign but thinner or a vertical tab Char VT sign, but when I copy it to word d

What does "EXCEPT distinct select * " in SQL language mean?

I am following a tutorial on Qwiklabs on Bigquery and financial fraud detection and came across a query, below, that I am failing to understand CREATE OR REPLAC

Missing comma before start of a new alter operation. (near "CHARACTER SET")

Mysql - phpmyadmin What's wrong with this query? ALTER TABLE `invoices` CHANGE `status` `status` ENUM('paid','due','canceled','partial','cheque') CHARACTER SE

GROUP by multiple ranges in postgresql

I have max and min values of prices in postgresql, and group the count of result set according to different ranges of prices between this max and min values, my

Order of execution Oracle Select clause

Consider a query with this structure: select ..., ROWNUM from t where <where clause> group by <columns> having <having clause> order by &

How can Select date(dd/mm/yyyy) in ascending order in sql

I want To Select stockDate in ASC Order My Table Structure is.:-

PYODBC--Data source name not found and no default driver specified

import pyodbc connection = pyodbc.connect('Driver = {SQL Server};Server=SIWSQL43A\SIMSSPROD43A;' 'Database=CSM_reporting;Trusted_Con

Postgres Subquery - How to create ALIAS in object format from subqueries

I am trying to wrap several queries into 1 complex query. Here is the scenario. Given a user_id of 'xxxxx-xx-xxxxx' I have to query for several data points with

ORDER BY Not Working in JPQL Query

I have the following method that returns a HashMap based on a Users Department and Building. I want to ORDER BY ASC based on the user name private HashMap<L

Changing values and Concatenating into readable Dates

I have 2 columns called MONTH, and YEAR. The YEAR is just pulling in as INT and contains values such as 2017 2018 2019 etc... The MONTH column however is pul