I'm developing an organizational chart in SQL Server 2016. I have some employees report to multiple managers which make the data structure a Directed Acyclic Gr
I just use Mssql procedure given at this site Using loop with UNION t-sql to build my own loop procedure. When I'm executing this code: SELECT '[hpsdb].[
I'm using JPA and I get all elements from DB in this code: factory = Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory(PERSISTENCE_UNIT_NAME); EntityManager em = factory
I Install SQL server in my system and I have to check on which port number SQL is working in my system
How can I emulate MySQL's CONCAT_WS() function in SQL Server? This function is similar to CONCAT() function in SQL Server 2012 except that it adds a separator
I'm using AWS Athena and I'm trying to merge all the rows which have a specific column with levenshtein_distance value lower then 5 and sum the normalised perce
I am writing a module for drupal6/PHP5 using MySQL (and optionally PostgreSQL). To represent arbitrary sample properties and instrument readings in an experimen
I'm trying to insert data in my db. this is the code im using SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("dbo.UsersInsert", cnn); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredPro
How can I search in (put condition on) blob field in oracle, like text fields? I need someting like: select * from table_name where blob_field like '%00ff00ff
I want to write an sql query , and want to get the dept name from DEPT table who has no employees assigned in EMP table. Table Structure: EMP EMPNO ENAME
I like to join a temporary table in MySQL which fails, the idea quite simple: CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE temp_table LIKE any_other_table; -- srsly it does not matt
I've created a table with some NOT NULL columns using phpMyAdmin. CREATE TABLE `TEST` (`ID` INT PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, `Firstname` V
If I do: SELECT * FROM A WHERE conditions UNION SELECT * FROM B WHERE conditions I get the union of the resultset of query of A and resultset of
I have some difficulties with mySQL commands that I want to do. SELECT a.timestamp, name, count(b.name) FROM time a, id b WHERE a.user = b.user AND a.id =
I'm trying to connect with SQL db using cypress followed the NPM guide . All the dependencies are exactly as mentioned but on running this cy.sqlServer('SELECT
I'm trying to connect with SQL db using cypress followed the NPM guide . All the dependencies are exactly as mentioned but on running this cy.sqlServer('SELECT
I want to do a batch insert, similar to this question How to do a batch insert in MySQL What is the limitation is SQL Server on how many rows can be inserted
i would like to return all rows and fields from a table, where neither the tablename nor the fieldnames are known in advance. Something like: select * from [TA
I'm running a select query and for fetching date and time data from the database but for some reason the returned value is datetime.date(2021, 11, 18) and datet
I would like to check the perm in PostgreSQL db as well as I do it via this command 'SELECT HAS_PERMS_BY_NAME(NULL, 'DATABASE', 'CREATE DATABASE')' for the SQL