Category "sql"

Easter / Good Friday for Sowflake Date Dim

Further Evolved : The code below satisfies what was wanted in earlier comments [if you follow history] :), my new question right below is stumping me. Question

How to one data file upload into multiple table by sql loader in oracle 10g example

Create table emp (id varchar2(22), name varchar2(85),hire_date date,department_id varchar2(3)); create table emp_epfo as select id emp_id,name lname,hire_dat

BigQuery sort a CONCAT of multiple string columns in SELECT

First I will present example of what I'm trying to achieve, and then will share a bit more info. This is a relatively straightforward task to explain, however I

Using a SELECT statement to return a row where a DateTime column = variable of type Date?

I am using OleDb, trying to do this: Dim d as Date = DateSerial(Year(rptDate), Month(rptDate), 1 - 1) Dim conn as OleDbConnection = new OleDbConnection(connSt

SQL Geography point inside polygon not returning true on STIntersect (but returns true using Geometry)

I don't want to resort in converting my geography data to geometry just so it returns true in STIntersect. Here is the code in SQL: DECLARE @point GEOGRAPHY =

postgresql: INSERT INTO ... (SELECT * ...)

I'm not sure if its standard SQL: INSERT INTO tblA (SELECT id, time FROM tblB WHERE time > 1000) What I'm looking for is: what if tblA and

SQL Geography point inside polygon not returning true on STIntersect (but returns true using Geometry)

I don't want to resort in converting my geography data to geometry just so it returns true in STIntersect. Here is the code in SQL: DECLARE @point GEOGRAPHY =

Impossible to add a User-Defined-Data Type parameter to my query

I'm trying to use a User-Defined-Data Type with C# and SQL Server 2008 but I have an exception raised when command.ExecuteReader() is executed. string qyery

Dynamic Column Name for a Derived Column - ORACLE SQL

I'm trying to set a dynamic column name on my query using "select from dual". Is this possible? If not, kindly recommend alternatives for me to achieve this. I

Dynamics NAV SQL Lead Time format conversion

I have a small issue getting data, one field in particular, from table replicated from Microsoft Dynamics NAV. There is a field storing lead time in strange fo

Python BeautifulSoup Empty Rows in CSV File

I am working on a scraper to pull street names and zip codes from a site and all of that is working great and it builds a CSV file just fine for me. But when I

Database design, variable number of columns [closed]

I have a simple application in which users submit data into a table. There are currently 3 fields the user can pass values to at the moment.

Can I do a DAG with SQL Server HierarchyId?

I'm developing an organizational chart in SQL Server 2016. I have some employees report to multiple managers which make the data structure a Directed Acyclic Gr

Mssql loop with UNION t-sql

I just use Mssql procedure given at this site Using loop with UNION t-sql to build my own loop procedure. When I'm executing this code: SELECT '[hpsdb].[

JPA, get all elements

I'm using JPA and I get all elements from DB in this code: factory = Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory(PERSISTENCE_UNIT_NAME); EntityManager em = factory

How to Identify port number of SQL server

I Install SQL server in my system and I have to check on which port number SQL is working in my system

CONCAT_WS() for SQL Server

How can I emulate MySQL's CONCAT_WS() function in SQL Server? This function is similar to CONCAT() function in SQL Server 2012 except that it adds a separator

How to merge rows by a similar column via levenshtein distance

I'm using AWS Athena and I'm trying to merge all the rows which have a specific column with levenshtein_distance value lower then 5 and sum the normalised perce

SQL to convert multiple rows into a single row of variable length

I am writing a module for drupal6/PHP5 using MySQL (and optionally PostgreSQL). To represent arbitrary sample properties and instrument readings in an experimen

Procedure or function expects parameter which was not supplied, when parameter is auto-generated

I'm trying to insert data in my db. this is the code im using SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand("dbo.UsersInsert", cnn); cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredPro