Category "sqlite"

Locking thread and creating new cursors not resolving sqlite3 "recursive use of cursors not allowed"

I am trying to make a simple flask web server that presents two graphs of data using matplotlib from a DHT22 sensor stored in a sqlite3 database. The code is ba

'more placeholders than values' when inserting into sqlite database

I am trying to dynamically insert into a sqlite database from python. Here is my code: for person in people: db.execute("INSERT INTO students (first, middle, la

I can't list disk encrypted on osquery 5.0.1

I have this query to list all machine without disk encrypted in my pack. SELECT m.device, m.device_alias, m.path, m.type, de.encryption_status FROM mounts m L

SQLite3 database or disk is full on csv imports

This issue has been discussed on a number of threads, but none of the proposals seem to apply to my case. I have a very large sqlite database (4Tb). I am trying

SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1 table posts has no column named *

I'm actually new to Laravel and I'm trying to build a basic social network with this Framework. For this project, I created a page called post which users can a

SQLITE3 + Python (I need to ask bank 1 table if its data exists in bank 2 table)

I have a doubt about python and sqlite3. import sqlite3 conna= sqlite3.connect('db_a') a = conna.cursor() connb= sqlite3.connect('db_b') b = conna.cursor() I

SQLite string search in rows then insert string into new rows with values of the same row last column

I want to provide a query to my database that will search if a string exists in Column2(site_id) then put that string in a new table with the value of its befor

showing 1 data from Sqlflite flutter

So i want to make a delete button, so the user could delete those data according to the data they choose to see. Each time the data on the sqflite were added th

Column Inheritance for Independent ORM Mapper Classes In SQL Alchemy

I am trying to replicate the following SQLite CREATE TABLE statements using the declarative ORM mapper classes in SQLALchemy. CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS questio

Airflow without sudo access?

in my virtual env on azure VM, i ran pip3 install apache-airflow when i started airflow db init i received File "/home/shivamanand/myenv/lib/python3.7/site-pack

I want to assign value of logged in user's user_company to the user_company field of the newly created user

When a user creates a user record for a client, the new client should should have the current logged in user's User.user_company value. In the problem here, I w

Convert from Prodigy's JSONL format for labeled NER to spaCy's training format?

I am new to Prodigy and spaCy as well as CLI coding. I'd like to use Prodigy to label my data for an NER model, and then use spaCy in python to create models.

java.lang.module.ResolutionException: Modules persistence.api and java.persistence export package javax.persistence.spi to module sqlite.dialect

I'm trying to build my first jpa hibernate projekt, but unfortunally i come across this error here: Error occurred during initialization of boot layer java.lang

SQL syntax problem-- escaping single quote and percentage sign

I am trying to do an online course on Cybersecurity and one of the problems is trying to preform an sql injection. I have not been able to figure it out because

How do I select floating-point infinity literals from a SQLite database?

I have a SQLite database with a table named measurements, which contains some experimental data measured by a power meter. They're stored as data type REAL in a

How to load the json1 extension with Flutter Sqflite plugin?

I've searched up and down trying to figure out how to load the SQLite json1 extension in Flutter with the Sqflite plugin version 2.0.0+3, but unsuccessful so fa

How to connect to a Sqlite db from an HTML file via Javascript

I would like to insert data into a SQlite3 db by pressing a button from an HTML file. In order to achieve this, I wrote a JS script. Unfortunately, when I press

How to delete local database while uninstalling the flutter windows application?

I am using the DRIFT package (formerly known as MOOR) for local database and I want to delete the database file which is saved in local machine (Windows) as db.

Find the number of rows in each table in a large SQLite database

I have a SQLite database with a large number of tables. I would like to find out which have zero rows (and drop them). I have not got very far! What I can do is

sqlite3 raised an error after running Airflow command line

When I ran command: airflow list_users It raised an error as below: sqlite3.OperationalError: no such table: ab_permission_view_role ... sqlalchemy.exc.Opera