Here's my code: Future<void> updatevalue(int b, int value) async { await initDatabase(); await _db.rawQuery('UPDATE chines_recipe SET favor
I'm not able to make SeriLog work with SQLite sink. My project setup is as follows: Packages I have installed: My SQLite database: My appsettings.json file
A Sqlite Database was created that consists on a persons FirstName and LastName.When the code is executed, System.Data.SQLite.SQLiteException: 'SQL logic error
I have following two tables users id | name 1 | john 2 | ada events id | content | userId 1 | 'applied' | 1 2 | 'interviewed| 1 What would be the
I have a Xamarin forms app with a form split across multiple pages, I want to pass the object data to the next or previous page. I am navigating using the Xamar
Everything's running perfectly throught cmd on my pc but when i host it on my host servers i have this error: `:/home/container$ npm start knexfile.js Starting
An upgrade from SQLAlchemy version 1.4.0b2 to 1.4.0b3 results in the following error when attempting to connect to a SQLite engine, using the asyncio extension.
Hi having some issues with SQLite3 been having a good time with it up until now but recently ran into some issues when I was trying to check if a select stateme
When npx knex migrate:make executed this error pop up Using environment: development Knex: run $ npm install sqlite3 --save Cannot find module '@vscode/sqlite3'
I have an SQLite table as shown below. students grades Nick 34 Nick 42 Nick 86 Nick Null John 38 John 12 John 74 John Null Colin 87 Colin 23 Colin 46 Colin 42
I have a large table a SQLite database of student exam results. Students often resit failed exams and subsequently pass them as shown with student 10001 below.
I have question about creating multiple tables in one DB. I try to run for 2 tables, but seems after the first TABLE , second TABLE
I'm using the following script to get the data of one of the variables from the database file #!/bin/bash sqlite3 pdu.db <<'END_SQL' .timeout 2000 SELECT
I am trying to make a simple flask web server that presents two graphs of data using matplotlib from a DHT22 sensor stored in a sqlite3 database. The code is ba
I am trying to dynamically insert into a sqlite database from python. Here is my code: for person in people: db.execute("INSERT INTO students (first, middle, la
I have this query to list all machine without disk encrypted in my pack. SELECT m.device, m.device_alias, m.path, m.type, de.encryption_status FROM mounts m L
This issue has been discussed on a number of threads, but none of the proposals seem to apply to my case. I have a very large sqlite database (4Tb). I am trying
I'm actually new to Laravel and I'm trying to build a basic social network with this Framework. For this project, I created a page called post which users can a
I have a doubt about python and sqlite3. import sqlite3 conna= sqlite3.connect('db_a') a = conna.cursor() connb= sqlite3.connect('db_b') b = conna.cursor() I
I want to provide a query to my database that will search if a string exists in Column2(site_id) then put that string in a new table with the value of its befor