Category "sqlite"

SQLite3 database is Locked in Azure

I have a Flask server Running on Azure provided by Azure App services with sqlite3 as a database. I am unable to update sqlite3 as it is showing that database i

What could cause a sqlite application to slow down over time with high load?

I'll definitely need to update this based on feedback so I apologize in advance. The problem I'm trying to solve is roughly this. The graph shows Disk utilizat

Can't call / pass data from django database onto website using built in auth model and a model I created, which is the one I cant query

Any help would be appreciated, basically I am a beginner and I'm struggling to pull data from my database. I used the built in auth method from django, which s

SQLAlchemy: delete rows from associate table from many-to-many relationship

I noticed that when deleting one entry, the corresponding rows from the secondary table are not deleted. here my models: cashflows_tags_table = Table( "cash

On delete cascade on foreign key not working [duplicate]

I am doing a TODO list app and I'm trying to delete a list and every task which has the referencing listID.The problem is that on delete casca

How to Import a SQL file to Python

I'm attempting to import an sq file that already has tables into python. However, it doesn't seem to import what I had hoped. The only things I've seen so far a

Python 3.x Tortoise-orm Delete all values inside the database SQLite

So I've recently starting learning about tortoise-orm. But I have a question: How would I get all the data inside the SQLite database and delete all of them? E

Unfindable SQLite Syntax Error

I'm trying out statements for creating a database, and after 10 entities without any issues I ran into this error Error: Near line 83: near "Transaction":

SQL query returns result multiple times

I'm pretty new to SQL and am trying to join some tables in SQL. I'm using SQLite3 and Pandas and have the following table structure: User | Measuremen

SQL query returns result multiple times

I'm pretty new to SQL and am trying to join some tables in SQL. I'm using SQLite3 and Pandas and have the following table structure: User | Measuremen

row with max value per group - SQLite

Given a table with columns(name, lat, lon, population, type) where there are many rows for each name, I'd like to select the rows grouped by name where populati

django.db.utils.IntegrityError: NOT NULL constraint failed after reseting migrations

I need to save an object that contains a file and some other data. Although the file is stored on the /media folder, the entity is not saved in the database sin

Unable to find source of: ERROR [root] Error: Can't locate revision identified by '..'

I am trying to run migrations from command line and keep getting error: ERROR [root] Error: Can't locate revision identified by 'faf3ebfbe667' As suggested in

Pre-packaged database has an invalid schema error

I'm building an Android application based on an old Android project. In my new application I'm using Room. I have to use the same database that is used in the

Meta Recruiting SQL -- Join Part 1

I have done my best to neatly format the meta recruiting question below. My current query that I'm trying to ascertain the ratio is this. Returning correct 2/3

React native function return nothing

I'm trying to do something simple here - connect to a sqlite database and return the number of records. In the code below I can output the len variable with co

React native function return nothing

I'm trying to do something simple here - connect to a sqlite database and return the number of records. In the code below I can output the len variable with co

SQL error coming while trying to access SQLite.db

I am trying to access my SQLite database which is in a Java package. When I am giving it's absolute path then it's OK, but when I am putting my db file inside j

How to compile sqlite-1.0.1, which released 18 years ago

I want to study sqlite by reading its source code. I found sqlite-1.0.1 only contained 10,000+ lines code, maybe it is easy to read. But unfortunately, modern g

Android SQLite same DB [duplicate]

I am using local DB (SQLite) with my android app. I know, that with every first launch of the app, a new database is created. Is there an easy