I sometimes use ssh to run multiple commands on a remote host like this: ssh my_user@my_host "command1; command2" utilizing double quotes to send both commands
I'm trying to connect to a SFTP channel throughout a Proxy, per requirements of the customer. The connection should happen with autentication to the final end
When I run this command from my local machine... ssh [email protected] "pm2 reload all" I get this error... pm2: command not found Running the command in t
I am using vscode to connect to a remote host. I use Remote-SSH (ms-vscode-remote.remote-ssh) extension to do so. Every time I want to connect to the remote hos
The task is to remotely reboot ip-phones every night.sshpass:sshpass -p 12345678 ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no [email protected] reboot In response: Connectio
I'm trying to make the private key SSH connection with LDAP. /etc/ssh/sshd_config AuthorizedKeysCommand /etc/ldap_ssh_authorized_keys.sh AuthorizedKeysCommandUs
I am trying to connect to GitLab with an ssh key from a Windows laptop. The problem is the port of the repository has changed, and I cannot manage to change the
I have 5 linux devices (Ubuntu 20's and Raspberry Pi's) in 3 different geographic locations. With Tailscale on each. I am unable to ssh between these machines,
I am trying to build an AWS AMI with packer. here is my packer conf: source "amazon-ebs" "base-alpine" { assume_role { role_arn = "arn:aws:iam::${var
What I have: Azure SQL Database on private virtual network Jump host - Whitelisted Azure VM that can connect to the Azure SQL Database Local machine --PuTTY--&g
I am trying to access a VM created with the ssh file and when i tried to execute the command , i am getting the following error, ssh azureuser@publicIpAddress
I am trying to use send/recv function in Paramiko. According to what I see, the line throws an exception of timeout Evaluating: self.shell.recv(1024) did not f
I'm Currently trying to setup Remote developement environment with VS code. I have installed Remote - SSH plugin and edited my .ssh/config file as below Host AB
Background I use SiteGround to host my websites. I have git repos set up for each of my sites on SiteGround. I use SSH keys for authentication. I just set si
I was working on the host server. Everything was great till yesterday and today when I start my server, suddenly error occurs in VS code. And my server is not c
I try to enable SSH on my raspberryPi 4. I don't have screen and it's for that I created ssh file (without extansion) in D:boot. When I try to log in I get an '
I am getting a generic "Could not add public key" error in Azure Devops when attempting to add an SSH public key. This is the first key I've tried to add on a
I am currently doing the Build and Secure Networks in Google Cloud: Challenge Lab from Google Cloud Skills Boost. I finished challenge number 1-5, but got stuck
During SSH handshake, client and server should shared their public key. Is there any ways to get the server public key without installing kali
Something I love about VS Code is that when I am using a terminal in WSL, I can run code file.txt, and it will open that file with VS Code on my local using the