Category "sshpass"

Automatic restart of ip-phones via ssh and cron (sshpass, expect or other solutions)

The task is to remotely reboot ip-phones every night.sshpass:sshpass -p 12345678 ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no [email protected] reboot In response: Connectio

How to make the ssh with -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no running on the docker in order to ssh the host work without exiting the script execution?

I have a script, that is running inside the docker container some actions we need for some internal debugging purposes: set -eu echo "Starting i/o test for hos

Activating conda environment from bash script

I would like to change my conda environment from a bash script. I want to run bash script_yxz, where 'script_xyz' is like: #!/bin/bash conda activate my_env