Category "static-analysis"

PHPStan Extension: Dynamic Return Types with Value Objects

Some libraries (like Doctrine) use simple stringable value-objects, like Func: <?php class Func { protected $name; protected $arguments; public func

PHPStan Extension: Dynamic Return Types and a Variadic Function Parameter

Since PHPStan 1.6, it's possible to use Conditional Return Types, where I've been able to do things like: /** * @param string $x * @return ($x is literal-stri

g++ Static analysis: false positive with -fanalyzer?

Running this very little snippet, to show a problem I have with a much larger code: // Type your code here, or load an example. #include <iostream> #inclu

Implicit memory aliasing in for loop

I'm using golangci-lint and I'm getting an error on the following code: versions []ObjectDescription ... (populate versions) ... for i, v := range versions {

Is it possible to accelerate clang-tidy using ccache or similar?

Since employing ccache on our CI server, we find that the bottleneck in terms of build time is now our static analysis pass, that uses clang-tidy, among other t

Static Call Graph analyzer for Javascript

I can't seem to find a basic piece of tooling which is a static analyzer that shows me which pieces of code use methods from which other pieces. I could even do

IDA Hex Rays can't decompile function in automation

when I reverse the binary with IDA gui, all the functions get decompiled without a problem. but when I am running an automatic script on ida without gui, there

error with SAlib library for Sensitivity analysis in python

I am trying to perform sensitivity analysis using Sobol`s method. I always get an error which i can not solve. the code and the result are below. the input vari

PHP, Static Analysis, and Recursive Type Checking

I'm looking at a Database ORM that uses an array to define the WHERE clause, e.g. $articles->find('all', [ 'OR' => [ 'category_id IS NULL',