Category "stdout"

bash console output print layout

I want to make my writing to the console output in a nice tidy human readable. here is how it looks now: ====================== Sat Apr 16 12:57:17 EDT 2022 ===

Capturing runpy.run_module stdout

I'm unable to capture stdout of runpy.run_module into a variable using StringIO. To demonstrate the problem, I created a script called (code below

Why does subprocess stdout only produce one line when the process is killed with os.kill()?

I have a piece of code that opens a subprocess and writes the output to a file: logPath = '/path/to/some/directory/' log = open(logPath + 'log', 'a') guipid

Observe stdout from multiplatform kotlin commonTest code

I just want to see the output from a few simple println(...) in my Kotlin mulitplatform commonTest code. My build.gradle.kts looks a little like: import

How to zip a file to STDOUT with zipfile?

I have a program that creates a zip file containing a couple of files using zipfile. It takes an output filename as argument, but if no file or - is given, it s

How do I have a hidden console when using windows_subsystem?

My goal is to have it so when the executable is just double clicked no console spawns but also have it able to print to the console when the user launches it fr

No Response On Stdout (Hackerrank Python) [duplicate]

Currently, I'm on Day 9 on the hackerrank 30 days of code (python 3) challenge, and I ran into this error, which I am not able to fix: #!/bin

How is the UI of terminal texteditors implemented?

Terminal texteditors like emacs,vim,joe or even nano have the ability to display arbitrary UI elements inside a command line without completely rewriting the wh

Is there a way to set a variable up to place output to stdout or null?

I would like to set up a variable in my code that would ultimately define if I'll see some output or not. "hello" writes to stdout "hello" > $null supresses

launch an exe/process with stdin stdout and stderr?

With C++ how do i launch an exe/process with stdin stdout and stderr? I know how to do this in .NET and i remember using popen in the past but popen seems to al

What type is STDOUT, and how do I optionally write to it?

Does STDOUT have a "type"? printf STDERR ("STDOUT = %s\n", STDOUT); printf STDERR ("\*STDOUT = %s\n", *STDOUT); printf STDERR ("\\\*STDOUT = %s\n", \*STDOUT);