I want to configure PLL in STM32F429 to its max frequency (180Mhz) without using STMCube-generated configurations. I am using my own register definitions like t
I have a Nucleo-F446RE, and I'm trying to get the I2C working with an IMU I have (LSM6DS33). I am using STM32CubeMX and checked out all the example code for my
I'm trying to interface a pressure sensor (MS5803-14BA) with my board (NUCLEO-STM32L073RZ). According to the datasheet (page 3), the pressure sensor requires s
I'm using STM32F030RCT6 with CubeMX. Device is a datalogger and RTC is the main thing that cannot fail. On Errata Sheet there is something about RTC Shadow Regi
I am working on an STM32F407 Discovery Board. But I didn't solve my clock configuration problem. I want to 168 MHz working frequency and I get help from CubeMX