Category "string"

Converting windows paths to pathlib.WindowsPath() within a function in python

Edited for clarity I need to be able to copy and paste a windows path directly from file explorer into a function which turns it into a pathlib.WindowsPath() ob

str_detect removing some but not all strings with specified ending

I'd like to remove any string that ends in either of 2 characters in a pipe. In this example it's ".o" or ".t". Some of them get removed, but not all of them, a

Retrieve array of substring matched with regex in swift

Is there any way to retrieve an array of words prefixed with @ sign in a string? "@City == xyz AND @Hobby == gardening" -> ["@City","@Hobby"] I tried below

Given a rectangular matrix of characters, add a border of asterisks(*) to it

Example For picture = ["abc", "ded"] the output should be addBorder(picture) = ["*****", "*abc*", "*ded*

Change position of a line with a specific string, using python

I am new to coding, trying to find a simple python code for re-arranging some lines. Lines have specific string to select. Those lines with this specific string

sed replacing first occurence of characters in each line of file only if they are first 2 characters

Is it possible using sed to replace the first occurrence of a character or substring in line of file only if it is the first 2 characters in the line? For examp

string column conversion to float in Pandas DataFrame

I want to get left value (LD) pipe separated value from the DataFrame column "'CA Distance Nominal (LD | au)" here is the code. when I convert the string to flo

Replacing characters from string in python list

I have a list of names of apple products in random format. like take a single product name iphone 11 pro which can be found Iphone 11 Pro or iphone 11 Pro, or a

The most common letter in a string (Python)

I have an exercise to find the most common letter in a string, excluding punctuation symbols, digits and whitespaces and the result should be in lowercase "A"==

Nested if statement is only executing first part

What I want my code to do I want my code to validate user input without using Regex or isDigit operators. If all the requirements of the if statements are found

Printing string range in Python

s ="XII" roman = {"I":1, "IV":4, "V":5, "IX":9, "X":10, "XL":40, "L":50, "XC":90, "C":100, "CD":400, "D":500, "CM":900, "M":1000} out = 0 n =

How do I force a blank for rows in a dataframe that have any str or character apart from numerics?

I have a datframe >temp Age Rank PhoneNumber State City 10 1 99-22344-1 Ga abc 15 12 No Ma xyz For the column(Phone Numbe

How can I truncate a line of text longer than a given length?

How would you go about removing everything after x number of characters? For example, cut everything after 15 characters and add ... to it. This is an example s

R incongruity when copying a column in R with ifelse

After loading lots of xlsx sheets of multiple workbooks, I want to create a double check of the tidiness and cleanliness of the data source. I created a data fr

PostgreSQL Can't Convert String to double precision

So I'm asked to do this query for a college project: SELECT AS name, AVG((pr.ap_price::double precision * 7 - pr.weekly::doub

Python sum of values in dataset

I have this dataframe (ID is a string and Value a float): ID Value 1 0.0 1.1 0.0 1.2 0.0 1.2.1 2750

Is it safe to store dates as a string in mysql?

I have to allow my users to make an update with 24 hours of delay from their previous update, so because date operations in this case are going to be on the bac

about replace methods in string in js

let code = document.querySelector('.Nform').innerHTML; localStorage.setItem('code',JSON.stringify(code)); let finalCode = code.replace(/ <p class="removeElem

Print data from Class instance

I want to print out data from a Class instance. I tried including data in str function, but this only works when value is at its default (an empty list). After

i have an assignment that works in compiler but does not work properly in assignment website

I have a homework that requires me to do operations on a string, I used an iterator in the second function to find the last index of a letter in the string and