Category "stringio"

Capturing runpy.run_module stdout

I'm unable to capture stdout of runpy.run_module into a variable using StringIO. To demonstrate the problem, I created a script called (code below

On zipfile read of shapefile from URL, fault for initial value not str

Using Python 3.5, following example for reading shapefile zipfile from URL and updating for P3.5. Code is below. I've looked at other cases and attempted to a

Generating ZipFile with List of StringIO Object, CRC Error when Opening the ZipFIle

I am currently facing some difficulty regarding generating Text file with multiple line of text and add it to a ZipFile in memory with Python 2.7. The code belo

MemoryError zipfile in memory

I'm getting MemoryError (out of memory) when zipping files in memory with Python. I'm using cStringIO.StringIO as an in memory buffer stream. Follow the code be