I'm trying to make a system call in Python and store the output to a string so that I can process it in my Python program.To be more specific of what i am doing
I'm using subprocesss.run() to run samtools command in python. The code is as below: result = subprocess.run(['samtools', 'faidx', 'hg38.fa.gz', 'chr1:169699712
I have a folder with a few hundred .bed files that I want to loop over to extract fasta sequences. In the terminal, my command is: twoBitToFa -bed=PA2_03_2bit.b
I have a folder with a few hundred .bed files that I want to loop over to extract fasta sequences. In the terminal, my command is: twoBitToFa -bed=PA2_03_2bit.b
I want open a program (ex: calculator) and keep tracking his process as the pid, name, etc. But, after calling the subprocess.Popen(), the process id is killed
When using subprocess.run it's recommended to use check = True (https://pycodequ.al/docs/pylint-messages/w1510-subprocess-run-check.html). However, there might
I have inherited a complicated (to me) toolbox from a PhD student before me and it uses python2 instead of 3 since it's older. The main file is in python2 and u
I have a piece of code that opens a subprocess and writes the output to a file: logPath = '/path/to/some/directory/' log = open(logPath + 'log', 'a') guipid
I have the following snippet of code: def terminal_command(command, timeout=5*60): """Executes a terminal command.""" cmd = command.split("
I need to run a second python file (2) using a first Python file (1) and I need that the first file continue to be runned. For example: I have the file A.py and
Unhappily my last post was marked as duplicate and my problem wasn't solved. So I've to phrase it a little bit different. Below you can see my main-file(SP_Tes
I have a python script that does this: p = subprocess.Popen(pythonscript.py, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE, shell=False) theStdin=request.input.encode('
I have a .tar.7z file which I want to unpack (when I unpack with archive_utility.app on MAC manually, I am getting a folder with subfolder and files). I am not
I'm automating an ffmpeg command but when the file exists already, it asks me if I have to "Overwrite [y/N]" and it stalls the entire script until I have to ent
I am trying to open a new window upon a button press with kivy. However, when I try to open the file with the separate window in it, it simply doesn't do anythi
How can I watch standard output and standard error of a long-running subprocess simultaneously, processing each line as soon as it is generated by the subproces
I am using python to check whether pip is installed on the system or not. The code I have written is : subprocess.run(["pip"],shell=True) and I am getting t
I open CMD in Windows, go to C:\Users\OM\Downloads\DCS-COINS\Munt.G_DCS-COINS\ and there run command DCS-COINS -v and then I get instantly moving lines with inf
I have created a simple method that executes a command like you do in the terminal from subprocess import PIPE, run class Command_Line(): @staticmethod
I am trying to add code after I successfully open a program with a subprocess, but it's not working. Can anyone tell me why? import win32api, win32con i