Category "svelte"

Content is wider than screen on ios

I'm creating a Wordle like app with an on-screen keyboard. When developing on desktop and using dev tools to simulate a mobile screen, it looks fine. But when I

The background becomes black when I add DaisyUI in my SvelteJS+Tailwindcss Project

I was configuring with my SvelteJS and Tailwindcss project with DaisyUI. But every time I add DaisyUI to a Project the background color becomes black. Maybe it'

Get parent node dimensions in svelte

I'm trying to use Svelte and it's my first time so sorry for maybe the stupid question. I read the Svelte documentation but I'm stuck with a simple problem. Bas

Svelte - routing , When I try entering any url I only get "No webpage was found" error

Using "svelte-routing" because I need to load a single page from lots of different urls , with the different urls serving as parameters. For example if a client

rollup run dev aborts

I'm working in a Svelte project with rollup. After working for a while, when I try to restart de project in production to see the changes and I write 'npm run d

Svelte URQL only sends text/plain as a Content-Type

I am trying to make my graphQL requests have a Content-Type of 'application/json` using Svelte and URQL. However, every request has a Content-Type of 'text/pla

Svelte: how to wait for component render

I'm making a simple app based on socket connection. Basically one user is deciding what other users can see. One of functionalities is to start timer for other

How can eslint be configured to work with svelte and postcss-nesting?

Using postcss with plugin postcss-nesting in svelte is quite easy -- adding postcss-nesting to the preprocess config in svelte.config.js is the only thing neede

SvelteKit - Deployment - @sveltejs/adapter-static not updating static paths in fallback page

I'm exploring SvelteKit for the first time, I built my simple first application and I'd like to deploy it to my Apache server as a static page As far as I under

Page not reloading on navigate("/") (svelte-routing)

I am working on a website and there for using Svelte and the svelte-routing library . The svelte-routing library has a method called navigate(path). I use this

Styling issues in monorepo with Turborepo, SvelteKit and Tailwind

I’ve created a monorepo with Turborepo that contains 2 SvelteKit apps and 2 packages: a component library (which is also based on SvelteKit) and a configu

How to make a cumulative filter system in svelte (like amazon sidebar)

I have a svelte page to show a list of post, I need to give the user the ability to filter that list by several conditions, eg: year, tags, category, etc. All t

SvelteKit API requests with Axios JWT authentication

I am creating an app with a SvelteKit client and a Laravel API stack, but I am struggling to safely authenticate my client to my API. Ideally I want to store a

How to style element content in Svelte?

<style> color: red; </style> Some html content! this code does not work. In the Angular framework it can be done by using the :host selector.

Svelte reactive statement with a variable fron onMount

I'm trying to style the currently active tab of my web project with the class "active". To target my tab elements I am using onMount(() => { const li

Build error after updating Svelte: Package subpath './compiler.js' is not defined by "exports"

Problem I was on Svelte version 3.0.0 and used npm i svelte@latest to update to the most recent version. Now I can't get the app to run, I always get this errro

Azure function accessible locally only

I have an Azure static web app with a svelte front end and azure server less functions for backend. When developing locally I can connect to the functions perfe

svelte on drop event not getting called

I know this has to be something blindingly obvious but I'm not getting it. I have two divs, one draggable and the other with an on:drop which doesn't seem to be

Svelte - Not able to fetch data from JSON file during jest unit testing

During unit testing, I am getting undefined error, while executing svelte component with json file. Restaurant.svelte : import data from '../Data/restaurants.js

Svelte3 input validation

Yesterday I was trying to translate a problem I had to solve in React, to Svelte, and I can't figure it out. The problem is the following: I have 3 inputs each