Category "svelte-3"

Svelte: how to wait for component render

I'm making a simple app based on socket connection. Basically one user is deciding what other users can see. One of functionalities is to start timer for other

SvelteKit - Deployment - @sveltejs/adapter-static not updating static paths in fallback page

I'm exploring SvelteKit for the first time, I built my simple first application and I'd like to deploy it to my Apache server as a static page As far as I under

How to make a cumulative filter system in svelte (like amazon sidebar)

I have a svelte page to show a list of post, I need to give the user the ability to filter that list by several conditions, eg: year, tags, category, etc. All t

How to style element content in Svelte?

<style> color: red; </style> Some html content! this code does not work. In the Angular framework it can be done by using the :host selector.

Svelte3 input validation

Yesterday I was trying to translate a problem I had to solve in React, to Svelte, and I can't figure it out. The problem is the following: I have 3 inputs each

Svelte: Remount component to overwrite media elements

Context In my Svelte app, I have multiple pages, each showing one or multiple videos. For rendering the videos I reuse a video component (simplified): // video

static adapter not working with nginx and refreshing pages

This is my config: import adapter from '@sveltejs/adapter-static'; import preprocess from 'svelte-preprocess'; import path from 'path'; /** @type {import('@sve

How to setup global bootstrap via scss in Svelte?

I want to use Bootstrap (v4.5) in a Svelte (v3) project with custom theme. The bootstrap documentation states that you can do this with scss. So I've setup Svel

ESLint error "'svelte' is not defined" when using svelte.JSX.MouseEventHandler

In a SvelteKit project, I have included the a svelte type. My problem is that my linting (ESLint) throws an error saying that 'svelte' is not defined. My code i

How to route programmatically in SvelteKit?

I want to be able manage history of my SvelteKit app while simultaneously making sure the whole routing system of SvelteKit doesn't get affected in any way. Som

Svelte - is there a way to use JS inside #each?

I'm iterating over an array of data and I want to do some processing on it before rendering it. I know that I could create a new component and pass array entry

How to animate array values in svelte with tweened store?

I have a writable store with following data let array= writable({ skills: [{ id: 1,

Hide Svelte component from outside script

I am importing a third-party Svelte3 component with several children. For the sake of example, the third-party component looks like the following: <script>

How to change the default port 5000 in Svelte?

I am not getting how to change the default 5000 port in Svelte to some other port if we install the sample template through degit.