Category "swagger-ui"

Refused to apply style because its MIME type ('application/json') is not a supported stylesheet MIME type, and strict MIME checking is enabled

I added swagger-ui to my spring-boot service application and I've got some error like that when visiting the /swagger-ui/ link. Error in browser console please

swagger url problem with springdoc-openapi

This is not the story of springfox This is the story of springdoc -openapi. my current dependency <dependency> <groupId>org.spri

how to send array to API which contains image and other data in .net core

When I am passing a single object like below then it is working as per below image [HttpPost] public async Task<ActionResult> Post([FromForm] MyModel Deta

How to get Swagger UI in SpringBoot (404 error)

I'm trying to add Swagger UI to my REST Api but I can't find swagger ui path or there is a problem with it. Because when I check the paths where swagger ui must

Jhipster swagger always showing unauthorised in prod environment

I am always getting unauthorised while trying to access swagger API documentation in jhipster. I am already logged in and I am able to access the API using the

Springfox swagger-ui 3.0.0 does not bring up swagger-ui.html page

I am using springfox swagger-ui with Springboot but the fileUpload button is not enabled for multipart upload. I tried upgrading to springfox-swagger-ui 3.0.0 b

Configure Open API 3 - SpringBoot with multiple controller classes

Am trying to configure swagger 3 spring documentation for my springboot application. I have 3 controller classes with 1 functional endpoint method each. If I op

Asp.Net Core Swagger Sort Tags Alphabetically

I'm using core 6 & Swashbuckle.AspNetCore and I'm using SwaggerAnnotations in my actions But my Tags Groups are not ordered Here's my Swagger UI pag

Add Swagger description to minimal .NET6 APIs

I have a small project in .NET6 that contains minimal APIs like that one app.MapGet("/clients", async (IClientRepository repo) => { var r

How to Customise example value of request body and execute it on swagger-ui with springdoc-open-api

I have created rest webservice using springboot and added springdoc-open-api for ducumentation of webservice, Now i have 2 question 1-how to add custom test val

springdoc-openapi-ui swagger 3 change API description

I am new to String and Swagger 3. How can I change the default API description i.e. OpenAPI definition in Swagger springdoc-openapi-ui swagger 3 Also version,

springdoc-openapi-ui swagger 3 change API description

I am new to String and Swagger 3. How can I change the default API description i.e. OpenAPI definition in Swagger springdoc-openapi-ui swagger 3 Also version,

How to add summary and body manually in swagger nestjs

I am trying to add summary in my swagger documentation routes but I am not able to find the appropriate decorator for defining the summary. There are some rout

How to Integrate Open API 3 with Spring project (not Spring Boot) using springdoc-openapi

My Existing Project is on Spring Framework not Spring Boot. I want to integrate Open API 3 with it. I want to integrate using springdoc-openapi not using Jers

How to solve Spring swagger Ambiguous mapping?

In my spring controller class i have below two methods @GetMapping(value = "/published_messages", produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE) public Respo

401 unauthorized page for swagger?

I am enable swagger2 by @EnableSwagger2. However, when I try to hit "/swagger-ui.html", it first hit my Authentication Filter. Then, I wrote the following code

Nodejs Swagger unable to add authorization header to requests

I am trying to add an authorization header to Swagger UI using Node.js Express server. Requests need to have x-auth-token as one of the headers for the API to g

Swagger-ui keeps showing example petstore instead of provided swagger.json

I followed instructions to set up swagger documentation for my existing node API using swagger-jsdoc. The swagger.json is being served correctly and I added a p

SpringDoc openAPI tool not scanning for APIs in Spring Boot Project

I'm having trouble getting this to work. I've started with a working SpringBoot (v2.2.2) app with a working @RestController. To get springdoc to work I've inclu

How to remove controller list from Swagger UI

I'm using springfox-swagger-ui 2.8.0 which ships with Swagger UI 3.7.0. I want to get rid of the controller list in front of the api documentation page, pretty