Category "swiftlint"

Swiftlint can't be found on Apple Silicon xcode

When installing swiftlint with homebrew everything installs correctly but when I open xcode I see the message that swiftlint isn't installed. I read this issue

Enable SwiftLint only for the new files

I have a pretty huge iOS(legacy) project in which I want to add SwiftLint. All the rules I wish to enforce, I would enforce only on new created files. In that w

Simple way to run SwiftLint for our Swift package

So far what I found is this blog article: It's time to use Swift Package Manager which recommends integrate SwiftLint and other tools with Package.swift. I was

Simple way to run SwiftLint for our Swift package

So far what I found is this blog article: It's time to use Swift Package Manager which recommends integrate SwiftLint and other tools with Package.swift. I was