I'm exploring new things came in Xcode 12 and SwiftUI 2.0 I have created a pageview onboarding screen with TabView and PageTabViewStyle in Xcode 12, iOS 14, Swi
I was wondering if it is possible to use the View.onDrag and View.onDrop to add drag and drop reordering within one LazyGrid manually? Though I was able to make
Is there a way, using SwiftUI, to create a Slider with 2 handles? I'm working on a project that that requires settings a low and high point for a random value t
Now that AppDelegate and SceneDelegate are removed from SwiftUI, where do I put the code that I used to have in SceneDelegate and AppDelegate, Firebase config
I'm trying to make simple app, the app seems working well on simulation mode, but test on my iPhone the button looks different from simulation iPhone, link the
I have a view and I want to add two icons to it, at top right side and at bottom right side. I managed to do that: I used two ZStacks: ZStack(alignment: .botto
It is possible to hide this dots which is showing if I chose tabViewStyle(PageTabViewStyle()). I don't found any result so im asking you guys.Its iPhone screen
struct ContentView: View { @EnvironmentObject var demoModel: DemoModel var body: some View { //this works demoModel.isLoggedIn ? Text("
I have a @Published property in ViewModel and .onReceive in View. When my @Published var changes the .onReceive is not even executed. View is
I'm trying to animate in a view the bottom of its parent view. This is relatively easy to do by animating the offset, like so: struct ContentView: View { @
I have a simple setup where I have 2 buttons and when a user clicks on one of them I want a border to show around it so that they know which one they clicked I
I read a similar question about that issue. But that only expand the button size use .padding(). The red region in the snapshot is the tappable area. The trai
Creating a custom environment key works, but if I wish to set the value in a view, XCODE doesn't allow it. But the predefined environment values can be set. Wha
How does one copy the contents of a Text field to the iOS clipboard? I have the following code & want to replace the "print(..)" statement with a statement
I'm trying to get a form validation that checks if the value of a TextField isEmpty to disable the save button on that form. However it seems the check for "isE
I want to use NavigationView together with the ScrollView, but I am not seeing List items. struct ContentView: View { var body: some View { Navigat
I'm attempting to create a settings view for my macOS SwiftUI status bar app. My implementation so far has been using a NavigationView, and NavigationLink, but
How can I detect keyboard events in a SwiftUI view on macOS? I want to be able to use key strokes to control items on a particular screen but it's not clear how
I have two Circles to show a circle progress bar, one of these is the progress the another one is the background, but the progress circle doesn't show in my iPh
In the following code, an observed object is updated but the View that observes it is not. Any idea why? The code presents on the screen 10 numbers (0..<10)