Category "swiper"

SwiperJS - How do you style the Pagination Bullets?

Using SwiperJS in my ReactJS application. I've imported the default style bundle, but can't figure out how to style the pagination container or the bullets. In

Why is Swiper not working for me in angular?

I am trying to use Swiper but I cannot achieve it, I followed the steps in the documentation (, the problem is that all the im

How do you make swiper buttons show only inside the swiper container

I have coded swiper button and navigation insider the swiper container but the buttons and the bullets are showing in the wrong place(at the top of the page)...

How to create multiple swiper instance in a react component and control one with the swipe of another?

I have a react component where I need to have multiple carousels that are connected. I am trying to create two swiper instance in a react component and control

Swiper slider: slide change to other div

I have created a parallax slider but I have one big problem with changing the slider. I can change the slider when my mouse is inside the blue zone As you coul

Continuous/constant autoplay speed with iDangerous Swiper

I want to achieve a continuous/constant speed while autoplaying through the slides. It is easy by just setting the CSS transition-timing-function of .swiper-wra

Swiper js showing 3 identical slides when there is one slide

I'm trying to have 3 visible slides in the page. The problem is that whenever there are less than 3 slides those slides are duplicated to fill also the empty sp

[laravel][npm] I can't use swiper error Uncaught TypeError: Swiper is not a constructor

Today I try swiper but not working. I install Swiper with npm npm install swiper this is my code index.blade.php <div class="swiper-container">

Swiper Slider puts all slides in one slide

I set up Swiper Slider as per the documentation and every slide slides as if one. <div class="swiper-container"> <div class="swiper-wrapper">

Swiper JS destroy() not firing

I'm trying to disable Swiper JS ( on anything other than mobile using the destroy() function, but I get the error Uncaugh

How to style slides on the edges in Swiper slider

I'm using Swiper slider plugin ( And I need to add opacity 0.5 to slides on the edges of visible viewport.

Swiper Slider - continue to next slide when video ends

I'm using Swiper Slider on my platform, I know how to set each slide timings differently but when it comes to video slides the matter is a tad more complicated.

Swiper JS Slider next/previous buttons aren't working perfectly

Hi guys I'm having a bit of trouble using swiper js slides. This is the link of my website having swiper js slider: As you can see

Stop swiper slide autoplay on mouse enter and start autoplay on mouse leave

How to stop swiper slide autoplay on mouse enter and start autoplay on mouse leave? I have tried .stopAutoplay() and .startAutoplay() function but not worked fo

react-native-swiper next/previous button event

The swiper index value comes out in order of page order. However, when the button is pressed, the index value goes up to infinity. ex) next button click-> 6

How to make autoplay of the Swiper slider start only after the slider enters viewport?

I'm using this code to initialize swiper slider. var mySwiper = new Swiper ('.swiper-container', { // Optional parameters pagination: '.swiper-paginati

Swiper Slider - Infinite loop with multi-row slides

I'm using the Swiper by and I'm having difficulty creating an infinite loop of multi-row slides. I have 30 images which I need to group into 3 rows

ngx-useful-swiper setup in Angular 8 gives error

I followed this guide to set up swiper slider in my Angular 8 application. I get the below error when importing NgxUsefulSwiperModule into app.module.ts ERROR i

Swiper.js slide width

There was a big problem with Swiper.js Is it possible to somehow make the width of the slides equal to the width of the content again? At the moment, all slides

How to change swipe direction in swiper.js?

I'm struggling with changing swipe direction when I rotate my swiper on 90deg. So in the beginning by default it has horizontal direction. When clicking on sli