Category "tailwind-css"

Trying a responsive navbar in react and tailwind css but not working in another resolution

so im trying to create a responsive navbar with reactjs and tailwind css this is screen 1 in this size the screen is responsive here it is not responsive so I w

Flowbite Navbar Component is not working in React App

I used Navbar from Flowbite Tailwind CSS Component. But lately, Flowbite's Navbar dropdown menu is not working in my React app project. Is it not working for th

windicss classes doesn't work in Nuxt App

I got some issues with windicss. Classes don't apply on elements. I've tried to install an older version of windi and it still doesn't work. I've even tried to

When colors are set in tailwind.config.js the default tailwind colors won't work anymore

I am using Tailwind for a little Wordpress project I am creating. So I have set things up with webpack. This works absolutely fine. Tailwind does its tree shaki

how to change background of unchecked checkbox in Tailwind 3 if ussing accent-color

i have checkbox input with class="accent-gray-500" how can i change background color of "unchecked" state? Tried to add ie "bg-red-500" to input class, but no l

Is it possible to add multiple media queries at Tailwindcss plugin?

Here is my Tailwindcss version 3.0.24. I want to create a prefix css class like this: <div class="myTestVariant:text-red-600">hello world</div> and

Tailwind CSS class "w-full xl:w-3/6" doesn't work at xl breakpoint

I can't get this code to work on vuejs, class xl:w-3/6 doesn't override w-full. I tried replacing w-full with sm:w-full but when the window is smaller than sm t

How to implement background-position-x in tailwind?

I'm trying to make my background image responsive using tailwind. Can't find background-position-x in their documentation.

tailwind css doesn't apply custom background color

module.exports = { purge: [ "./pages/**/*.{js,ts,jsx,tsx}", "./components/**/*.{js,ts,jsx,tsx}", "./layout/**/*.{js,ts,jsx,tsx}", "./const/**/

Not able to make image responsive using tailwind css

Here is the code :) <div> <div class="w-full m-4 rounded-xl flex flex-wrap shadow-md border-2 place-self-center"> <div class="flex flex-1"&

Some classes have no effect after adding Tailwind.css to a Vue.js project

I am trying to add Tailwind.css to a Vue.js project. There are a lot of resources on how to do this, most of them following the same path as this video. To make

class="hidden sm:flex" doesn't work in TailwindCSS

I want to make my navbar responsive by adding hidden sm:flex to a specific item. Meaning it'll hidden by default but show only on small screens and above. I mad

class="hidden sm:flex" doesn't work in TailwindCSS

I want to make my navbar responsive by adding hidden sm:flex to a specific item. Meaning it'll hidden by default but show only on small screens and above. I mad

Draft JS Header Toggles Not Working With Tailwind CSS

I am using Draft Js for Rich text editor in my react project that uses tailwind. H1-H6 have no effect when toggled on texts. The other block types (blockquote,

Using Tailwind3 in Flask application without manually (re-)generating css

I'm currently trying to set up a flask project using tailwindcss 3.0.23. For templating I'm using jinja. Furthermore yarn is used. During previous projects when

Border style not working on hover in tailwind

I'm using tailwind v2.1.0 with Laravel v8.12 I am trying to get hover on a tag with tailwind classes but its not working <a href="/" class="text-gray-800 bor

remove specific style from tailwind base

I have a project with tailwind and a (work in progress) UI library that we want to gradually migrate to. I am importing the style on my index.css like this @tai

Tailwind custom color is not active on hover

I modified my tailwind.config.js to add a new custom color: module.exports ={ theme: { extend: { colors: { pepegray: { DEFAULT: "#323232" },

Vite does not build tailwind based on config

I created a new react-ts app using yarn create @vitejs/app my-app --template react-ts. I installed tailwind using yarn add --dev tailwindcss@latest postcss@late

How to align icon next to text of link attribute with tailwind-css and

This is 100% a duplicated but I cannot get the icon left to the text of the <a>-attribute. The closest I got is with this solution: <script src="ht