Category "templates"

gtest - testing template class

I want to test a template class with gtest. I read about TYPED_TESTs in Google Test manual and looked at official example they reference, but still can't wrap m

Sum function with return type large enough to hold result

It's a question from C++ Primer Chapter 16.2.3 (question 16.41): Write a version of sum with a return type that is guaranteed to be large enough to hold t

migrate template from velocity to freemarker

I need to migrate some templates from velocity in liferay 6.2 to freemarker for liferay 7.4 dxp, I tried to use the USCavalry tool, but the result is not comple

Components in default.vue get removed after being compiled in Nuxt

I'm trying to add header in my Nuxt app in Nuxt/layouts/default.vue <template> <div> <Navigation/> <Nuxt /> </div> &l

How to include HTML partials using Vite?

Is it possible to include snippets of shared HTML using Vite (vanilla)? I'm looking for a way to have the HTML prerendered without injecting via JS. Something l

Use of incomplete types in templates

Is it legal to use an incomplete type in a template if the type is complete when the template is instantiated? As below #include <iostream> struct bar;