Category "tensorflow"

(What does the error mean?) Number of ways to split should evenly divide the split dimension, but got split_dim 1 (size = 1) and num_split 4

Recently, I have tried running a Github code but I obtained the following error: tensorflow.python.framework.errors_impl.InvalidArgumentError: Number of ways to

How should the output of my embedding layer look? Keras to PyTorch

I am in the process of translating a Keras implementation to a PyTorch one. After the full conversion my model was not converging fast enough, although the loss

use part of Keras Sequential model to predict

In the following code I have defined a Sequential model, that contains two parts conv_encoder and conv_decoder. After training the model I want to use conv_enco

In keras/ tensorflow, Is there a way to add a preprocessing layer to the output, similar to TargetTransformRegressor in sklearn?

I want to use keras to build a neural network regression model from X_train -> Y_train. In this example, however, I need to perform a preprocessing transform

No dimension mismatch for Keras sequential model?

I created a sequential neural network with Keras that has an input of 4 and an output of 8. I realize what I did was incorrect but I'm not sure as to why the co

Matrix multiplication in TensorFlow model

I want to use matrix multiplication inside TF model. My model is a NN with input shape = (1,9). And I want to get a product of this vectors by themself (i.e. I

How can I use Tensorflow.Checkpoint to recover a previously trained net

I'm trying to understand how to recover a saved/checkpointed net using tensorflow.train.Checkpoint.restore. I'm using code that's strongly based on Google's Col

Variation in Accuracy when using Image Data Generator and Loading Images individually

I have a CNN model that has already been trained. Its training and validation accuracy are around 99%. I saved this model and then loaded it to make predictions

Variation in Accuracy when using Image Data Generator and Loading Images individually

I have a CNN model that has already been trained. Its training and validation accuracy are around 99%. I saved this model and then loaded it to make predictions

Cuda Cudnn installation failed to run GPU

I have pyhton 3.8.8 V I installed tha latest version of Cuda & Cudnn: Cuda: 11.6.1_511.65 Cudnn: windows-x86_64- Installation completed successfully

TensorFlow Object Detection API - How to train on COCO dataset and achieve same mAP as the reported one?

I'm trying to reproduce the officially reported mAP of EfficientDet D3 in the Object Detection API by training on COCO using a pretrained EfficientNet backbone.

How to do atrous convolution in tensorflow 2 (tf.keras)

I am trying to convert some code from tensorflow 1.x to tensorflow 2.x. It's been going well so far, but I'm stuck on atrous convolution. Unlike other layers, t

How do I find my trained model trained by ""

I trained a model use The final code is: history =, epochs=1)"/kaggle/working/039_model.h5") print("Model saved success

Is there a way to get statistics of weights obtained from Tensorflow?

I am interested in developing a logit-based choice model using Tensorflow. I am fairly new to this tool, so I was wondering if there is a way to get the statist

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'samples.coco'

Could someone help me with the error that is giving in the file within a Mask R-CNN project: Someone with experience in instance segmentation, cou

Save, Recover, and Continue Updating Learning Curves while Training a CNN if Server Crashes Suddenly

I am training a deep learning model with TensorFlow on a remote server. The problem is that I am only allocated 2 hours of training at a time and the server may

Input 0 of layer "conv2d_transpose_4" is incompatible with the layer: expected ndim=4, found ndim=2. Full shape received: (None, 100)

I am trying to develop a GAN, I have created the generator and the discriminator and now I am trying to train it. I am using the Mnist dataset but I plan to use

Differential Privacy in Tensorflow Federated

I try to run in Tensorflow Privacy, and check number of dimensions of the gradient. I think gradient is calculated by dp_optimizer. Is t

How to fix LSTM Layer Error - Image Classification

Currently I'm working on an image classification issue and created the following code based on a tutorial online - Image Classification using Keras. The code w

How to clear GPU memory WITHOUT restarting runtime in Google Colaboratory (Tensorflow)

I want to run hyperparameter tuning for a Neural Style Transfer algorithm which results in having a for-loop in which my model outputs an image generated with d