i am using the Tensorflow Lite Model Maker library to train an efficient model for object detection. It works well, but I don’t know how to get graphs of
I am trying to write a Custom Model in which I am writing a custom train_step function I am creating a 'tf.data.Dataset` from a Custom Datagenerator like tds =
I have an imbalanced data set of 2 classes (1 & 0). 1 is about 6 times less likelier than 0. Hence, I am using SMOTE to make the data set balanced through o
I'm trying to clarify two parameters: intra_op_parallelism_threads and inter_op_parallelism_threads . I assume intra_op_parallelism_threads means the number o
I'm trying to build a seq2seq model to predict sequence. The most basic model was built, but I'm having trouble with understanding what 'metric=['accuracy']' me
I am switching from running TPUs in colab to running TPUs in Google cloud. I am used to running training in the colab jupyter notebook, but from the GCP TPU qui
I was trying to build a model with the Sequential API (it has already worked for me with the Functional API). Here is the model that I'm trying to built in Sequ
Hi I get this message when I run my job in slurm what does it mean? tensorflow/core/platform/default/subprocess.cc:304] Start cannot spawn child process: No suc
I know that the input_shape for Inception V3 is (299,299,3). But in Keras it is possible to construct versions of Inception V3 that have custom input_shape if
I have a Win10 OS, with Anaconda 3.6 installed, and a friend told me to install keras by using a specific conda command. Without reading any o
I am wondering if there is an easy way of creating a way of triggering early stopping in Keras based on user input rather than monitorization of any particular
I'm starting to study the tensorflow with the image classification sample which is the first sample on the tensorflow official document. It creates the Keras Se
In the model I want to launch, I have some variables which have to be initialized with specific values. I currently store these variables into numpy arrays but
I have trained a model with keras and saved it, can I see what the computed metrics during training were, after I load back the mode with keras.models import lo
I've tried tensorflow on both cuda 7.5 and 8.0, w/o cudnn (my GPU is old, cudnn doesn't support it). When I execute device_lib.list_local_devices(), there is
I'm using the following generator: datagen = ImageDataGenerator( fill_mode='nearest', cval=0, rescale=1. / 255, rotation_range=90, width_sh
Below is the order of how I am going to present my problem: First I will show you the script .py that I am using to run the web app in a local host(flask app).
I am trying to build a CNN model to recognise human sketch using the TU-Berlin dataset. I downloaded the png zip file, imported the data to Google Colab and the
How can you write a python script to read Tensorboard log files, extracting the loss and accuracy and other numerical data, without launching the GUI tensorboar
I have a flask application that I would like to run it on an EC2 instance and TensorFlow is needed cause it is image classification. However, after the necessar