Category "tensorflow"

TensorFlow, Keras download issue on Raspberry Pi 3B+

I need help installing TensorFlow/Keras on raspberry pi 3B+ Python version 3.9.2 Keras version 2.8.0 TensorFlow version 1.8.0 I downloaded them via pip3 on pro

"Could not load dynamic library ''" when running tensorflow on ubuntu 20.04

Note: there are many similar questions but for different versions of ubuntu and somewhat different specific libraries. I have not been able to figure out what

Using String parameter for nvidia triton

I'm trying to deploy a simple model on the Triton Inference Server. It is loaded well but I'm having trouble formatting the input to do a proper inference reque

Tensorflow serving error: "Data loss: Can't parse saved_model.pb as binary proto"

I used google collaboratory to train a simple mnist example model to get myself familiar with tensorflow serving but my tensorflow model server is not able to r

Tensorflow1 tf.Session Ignore GPU certification

When I limit GPU by os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"]="1" and load trained model like below, tacotron1.15.5[horovod] load model to all GPUs(8) with same proces

ran into TensorFlow ValueError during my TensorFlow Course with Udemy

I have being trying to fit the error during my Tensorflow course (Section 3: Neural network Regression with Tensorflow) with Udemy. import tensorflow as tf impo

Keras history callback loss does not match with console output of loss

I am Training a cnn in Keras at the moment. Now I want to log the history of the training process for later visualizations, which I do with: history_callback =

Jupyter Kernel Dies Importing Keras

I am running an Apple Macbook with 16 GB of RAM and the M1 chip. I am trying to import Keras through the command: from tensorflow.keras.models import Sequential

tflite: get_tensor on non-output tensors gives random values

I'm trying to debug my tflite model, that uses custom ops. I've found the correspondence between op names (in *.pb) and op ids (in *.tflite), and I'm doing a la

ValueError: cannot reshape array of size 921600 into shape (224,224,3)

I trained a model using Transfer Learning(InceptionV3) and when I tried to predict the results it shows: ValueError: cannot reshape array of size 921600 into sh

ValueError: Input 0 of layer is incompatible with the layer: expected shape=(None, 224, 224, 3), found shape=(224, 224, 3)

"after converting the dataset to the tfrecord file format, I tried to train the model I created with it, but I couldn't convert it to the input format suitable

How to user a tensorflow server saved model with string tensor input to predict in the local machine?

I'm trying to run saved serving models in my local machine. However, it takes string tensor as input, and I'm having trouble converting the images to the correc

Unable to install 'Tensorflow Federated' on Apple Silicon M1

I have TensorFlow (2.8.0) installed and running on my Apple Silicon M1 MacBook. But facing dependency error on trying to install tensorflow-federated with the b

Ordering of batch normalization and dropout?

The original question was in regard to TensorFlow implementations specifically. However, the answers are for implementations in general. This general answer is

ValueError: Unknown metric function: cosine

i have been getting valueError issue. Currently using python3.9.11., keras2.8. if loss_init=="r2": parallel_model.compile(loss=custom_r2_loss, o

Can you mix keras.layers output with tensorflow operations?

I know that output of keras layers (like keras.layers.Dense()) produce so-called 'keras tensors'. Also, there are 'tensorflow tensors' that are produced by tens

training = False in Keras Sequential API

We can pass the training = False argument while calling the pre-trained model when using Keras Functional API as shown in this tutorial. How to implement the sa

Can't I simply copy and paste a program from a Jupyter notebook to a

It's weird, I wrote a functioning program on a Jupyter notebook and I wanted to have it in a normal python file with VSCode aswell. However, while copying and p

Object detection shows incorrect results on mask rcnn demo code

I have cloned and run the demo code. Everything works fine and runs correctly but the image processing part has incorrect

Keras model - high accuracy on natively executed code, fails to learn in colab

I am doing classification of citrus leaves dataset. I came up with a very basic model and ran it in Jupyter notebook on my machine, using anaconda. Exact same m