Category "tensorflow"

Projective transformations no longer available in TensorFlow 2.0 what can I do?

My team are switching to TensorFlow 2.0. I'm working on a data augmentation pipeline. TensorFlow 1.X had tf.contrib.image.transform that allows for projective t

How to skip problematic hyperparameter combinations when tuning models using Keras Tuner?

When using Keras Tuner, there doesn't seem to be a way to allow the skipping of a problematic combination of hyperparams. For example, the number of filters in

How to define a specific keras layer weight as non-trainable?

Let's suppose we have a neural nets with three layers : Inputs > Hidden > Outputs and consider that the weigths between the Hidden and Outputs layers are

What's code snippet of tf.contrib.crf.crf_log_likelihood in latest tensorflow version 2.8

The below functions existed in Tensorflow 1.5 which is currently deprecated. What's the corresponding code for the function: tf.contrib.crf.crf_log_likelihood(

Training Yolov5 on RTX 3060 Ti GPU I'm getting error "RuntimeError: Unable to find a valid cuDNN algorithm to run convolution"

Training Yolov5 with --img 8088 and batch size 16 on RTX 3060 Ti GPU using the following command python --img 1088 --batch 16 --epochs 3 --data coco12

Difference between 'multi output' vs 'raw' in keras 'flow_from_dataframe'

I'm not sure about when to use raw vs multi output in the keras flow_from_dataframe class_mode parameter, as by the looks of it, they both provide a way to clas

broken tensorflow keras function

I have this function that used to work and broke when I updated or upgrade to tensorflow 2. def df_to_dataset(dataframe, shuffle=True, batch_size=32): datafra

TypeError: Unable to convert function return value to a Python type! The signature was () -> handle

I get an error when I import the TensorFlow. I tried to reinstall it but still, I keep getting this error---> TypeError: Unable to convert function return va

Convert pandas data frame column, which has values of vectors, into tensors

My question is how to convert a vector on pandas data frame into tensors. The data frame has a resume column which has a vector representations of each resume d

Compilation deep learning model is important if we unfreez the layers for fientuneing?

I am classifying a medical images dataset into normal vs abnormal where I am applying transfer learning with ResNet50v2. I did a little change in the last laye

module 'tensorflow.python.keras.optimizers' has no attribute 'SGD'

I am working with python 3.9, tensorflow 2.7.0 with a modified version of Mask RCNN I am worki

module 'tensorflow.python.keras.optimizers' has no attribute 'SGD'

I am working with python 3.9, tensorflow 2.7.0 with a modified version of Mask RCNN I am worki

What is the best approach for storing multiple vectors per person for face recognition

I want to make a face recognition for employees as work. I already have system that gets image from cameras and outputs face embeddings (128-dimensional vectors

When using padding in sequence models, is Keras validation accuracy valid/ reliable?

I have a group of non zero sequences with different lengths and I am using Keras LSTM to model these sequences. I use Keras Tokenizer to tokenize (tokens start

Installing Tensorflow on macOS on an Arm MBP

When attempting to install tensorflow on an ARM M1 MacBookPro, I am seeing the following issues: % pip install tensorflow ERROR: Could not find a version that s

ImportError: No module named tensorflow [Retinanet]

I'm trying to run the training command (keras_retinanet/bin/ --tensorboard-dir ~/RetinanetTutorial/TrainingOutput --snapshot-path ~/RetinanetTutorial/Tr

ValueError: Shapes (None, None) and (None, 28, 28, 10) are incompatible

I am working on a neural network to recognize handwritten digits using the MNIST digits dataset. I wanted to use ImageDataGenerator from Keras to see if I could

Error: import tensorflow.keras.backend as K could not be resolved Pylance(reportMissingImports)

I'm using tensorflow 1.15.0 in docker container and have issue in importing keras sub-modules. from tensorflow import keras import tensorflow.keras.backend as

How to iterate over multiple datasets in TensorFlow 2

I use TensorFlow 2.2.0. In my data pipeline, I use multiple datasets to train a neural net. Something like: # these are all objects: paired_data

AWS Lambda running tensorflow packages exceed limit 250 MB

I need to do a segmentation prediction for a tensorflow-keras model. My idea was to upload an image into an S3 bucket, and with the AWS Lambda service, trigger