Trying to run react-native run-ios or build RN project from xcode, as soon as metro bundler starts, this error appears in the terminal: Loading dependency grap
I'm trying to make a bash script that will send an email to all contacts which will contain a message and an attachment. This is not for malicious purposes. Ho
Is there a way to save the Embedded Tabs so each time you open PyCharm you don't have to reconfigure the tab names? It seems like such a simple issue to have bu
I need some help to set environment variables on osX 12.0.1. I tried to edit .bash_profile (it doesnt exist), .zprofile and also a pllist approach. What irritat
I am trying to enable disable bluetooth on android device using command line. I can enable it using adb shell am start -a android.bluetooth.adapter.action.RE
Looks like I've messed up my terminal really badly. Im trying simple commands like ls, cd but I get: -bash: ls: command not found No brew commands are found ei
I was messing around in the terminal on my mac with virtualenv but now I lost the dollar signs on the command line! Does anybody know what this means and how
[edited on 19th june] The question is not regarding the content of the logs, but why logs doesn't not appear in my symfony profiler My symfony profiler doesn't