Category "terraform-provider-aws"

Terraform - AWS Auto-Scaling-Group not deleting when using Suspended-Policy option for 'Terminate'

I've searched online and not found an answer to this anywhere, so apologies if it is a replicate of another question. I've created a CloudFormation Template fro

Internal Exception while creating AWS FMS Policy for CloudFront

I am getting below error while creating firewall manager policy for cloud front distribution. the documentation provide little details on how to deploy a Cloudf

terraform override variables multiple modules with their environment specific variables

I have a terraform repo that contains multiple modules as below. root |-modules | |-module1 | | |- | | |- variables | |

Terraform ERROR: Inappropriate value for attribute "requires_compatibilities": set of string required

i get the following error message after terraform validate: ############################################################### Error: Incorrect attribute value typ

Terraform AlreadyExistsException: An alias with the name arn:aws:kms:XXXXX:XXXXXXXXX:alias/myalias already exists

When running terraform apply I get the following error Terraform AlreadyExistsException: An alias with the name arn:aws:kms:XXXXX:XXXXXXXXX:alias/myalias alread

Providing access to EFS from ECS task

I am struggling to get an ECS task to be able to see an EFS volume. The terraform config is: EFS DEFINITION resource "aws_efs_file_system" "persistent" { encryp

terraform attach root EBS volume which is generated from a snapshot to an EC2 instance created from AMI

I have the following code where I am trying to spin up an instance from an AMI and then replace the root volume with a volume I created from an earlier backup s

I am trying to run terraform init but getting this error: Failed to query available provider packages

Terraform init is giving the following error. No version has been upgraded and it was working few days back but suddenly it is failing. Error: Failed to query a

ECS - target type ip is incompatible with the bridge network mode specified in the task definition

Problem Getting target type ip,which is incompatible with the bridge network mode error when trying to create an ECS service with an existing NLB whose target

Terraform ECS Task Definition jsonencode issue

I get this error when applying terraform. It's clearly something wrong with my env_Vars. I've tried making name and value in quotes or without. Error: ECS Task

Update bucket created in Terraform file results in BucketAlreadyOwnedByYou error

I need to add a policy to a bucket I create earlier on in my Terraform file. However, this errors with Error creating S3 bucket: BucketAlreadyOwnedByYou:

How do you set up an API Gateway Step Function integration using Terraform and aws_apigatewayv2_integration

I am looking for an example on how to start execution of a step function from API Gateway using Terraform and the aws_apigatewayv2_integration resource. I am us

How to connect to instance using terraform aws_instance resource

I created an aws_instance resource without any issue, but, I want to know how can I enable the SessionManager, the EC2 Instance Connect and EC2 Serial Console u

AWS - Find event source mapping UUID

I need to import an event source mapping using Terraform and the documentation says: terraform import aws_lambda_event_source_mapping.event_source_mapping

Terraform aws_wafv2_ip_set delete ip on apply

I have a resource aws_wafv2_ip_set that is used by many different modules. variable "addresses" { type = set(string) default = [] } resource "aws_wafv2_

Terraform aws_wafv2_ip_set delete ip on apply

I have a resource aws_wafv2_ip_set that is used by many different modules. variable "addresses" { type = set(string) default = [] } resource "aws_wafv2_

Terraform optional provider for optional resource

I have a module where I want to conditionally create an s3 bucket in another region. I tried something like this: resource "aws_s3_bucket" "backup" { count

Create multiple rules in AWS security Group

I tried to create an AWS security group with multiple inbound rules, Normally we need to multiple ingresses in the sg for multiple inbound rules. Instead of cre

terraform data archive file source directory with selected files and directories

I want to create a data archive_file with selected files and folders as source_dir. I have the folder structure as below. Within the src directory, I have lambd

WAF for all ALBs in an account using terraform

This is my terraform file: resource "aws_wafv2_web_acl" "waf_acl-dev" { name = "waf_log4j_Protections-dev" description = "WAFv2 for dev"