Category "terraform-provider-azure"

Terraform Activity Log Alerts Status Field

I'm in the process of recreating our company's alerts in Terraform after they were originally created manually. I have been looking into the JSON of each alert

Create azure Action group with azure terraform with json format

Hi i am trying to create "azurerm_monitor_action_group" based on json format i have github_link please go through the github link and update me changes which i

unable to delete datalake gen2 terraform code Error:Failure sending request: StatusCode=0

I have deployed datalake gen2 successfully using Terraform. when updating terraform code for azure datalake gen2, I am getting following error Error: [0m[0m[1mr

Create Azure service health alert in Terraform

I just found out, if we create Azure service health alert with Terraform, with below code: resource "azurerm_monitor_activity_log_alert" "servicehealth" { nam

How to integrate terraform state into github action workflow?

I have the github action workflow outlining the simple process of spinning up terraform to create resources in Azure. What I am missing is how to integrate the

terraform azure insufficient blocks

Here is my terraform plan terraform { required_providers { azure = { source = "hashicorp/azurerm" version = "=3.5.0"

terraform azure insufficient blocks

Here is my terraform plan terraform { required_providers { azure = { source = "hashicorp/azurerm" version = "=3.5.0"

Terraform source error - Error: Failed to query available provider packages

I am trying to deploy a new infrastructure using terraform (for the first time) and I am getting the following error. I've tried everything but nothing seems to

Ignoring changes for Azure Firewall rules in Terraform

I'm setting up an azure firewall rule and I wish to set ignore changes on the source addresses. Can anyone help me with the correct syntax. Using hashicorp/azur

Enable Azure Monitor for existing Virtual machines using terraform

I am trying to enable azure monitor feature for existing virtual machines which checks for health and performance of the VM using terraform but I am not able to

terraform azurerm - cannot destroy public ip

New to terraform so i'm hoping this is an easy issue. I'm creating some resources in azure and deploying a simple flask application to AKS. Creating works fine

The Terraform CLI get a Error: ID was missing the `slots` element

I am executing terraform.exe apply on windows and receive the error: azurerm_subnet.subnet: Refreshing state... [id=<...>] azurerm_app_service_plan.servic

Azure AD OIDC Single Sign-On with HashiCorp Vault - Interactive Login Prompt Not Appearing

I have carried out two implementations of Azure AD Single Sign-On with HashiCorp Vault using OIDC and achieved contrasting results which are baffling me. I have

Cannot override provider configuration error in installing DC/OS via Terraform on azure

Working on setting up DC/OS on Microsoft Azure using Terraform. I'm using the provided in the official documentation. Every time I run terraform init I

Attaching VM Scale Set to Application Gateway's backend pool

Can anyone provide an example of how to add an Azure VM Scale Set (VMSS) to an application gateway's backend pool using Terraform. I can only find one example

Terraform script for provisioning azure Virtual machine scale set along with custom data or cloud init

I would like to know the terraform script for provisioning azure Virtual machine scale set along with custom data or cloud init. I tried many ways to run my scr

Terragrunt generation not generating files

The expectation is that when running a terragrunt run-all apply from the root directory, a file will be created in the sub directories. I've verifie

How to enable Update Management for an Azure Automation Account programmatically?

I'm currently using Terraform and bits of Powershell to automate all of my infrastructure and I'm seeking a fully automated means to configure update management

Error assigning Synapse role using Terraform

i am trying to assign an in-bulit role in Synapse through Terraform but i get an Error. This is what I'm trying to do: resource "azurerm_synapse_role_assignment

How to configure the VMs in two different zones using Availability Sets and install the Active Directory Domain services

I’m trying to create the two windows virtual machines in two different zones using the following terraform code: ## Import exisiting resource group ## Use