Category "terraform"

Terraform 403 error when creating function app and storage account with private endpoint

I am getting a 403 forbidden when creating a function app that connects to its storage account via private endpoint inside a vnet. Storage account has firewall

Terraform and Azure Data Explorer

I am looking for recipes on how to standup a complete Azure Data Explorer stack using Terraform. So far I have found that Terraform has support to create cluste

Terraform: Conditional creation of a resource based on a variable in .tfvars

I have resources defined in .tf files that are generic to several applications. I populate many of the fields via a .tfvars file. I need to omit some of the res

Not able to use terraform command on OpenFaas Python 3 Function deployment

I am using a Openfaas Python3 function with terraform to create bucket in my AWS Account. I am trying it locally and created a local cluster using k3s and insta

Passing Variables to Docker Compose via a Terraform script for an Azure App Service

How do I VAR=VAULE docker-compose up from a Terraform script building an Azure App Service using a Docker Compose file site_config { app_command_line = ""

How to give permissions to AKS to access ACR via terraform?

Question and details How can I allow a Kubernetes cluster in Azure to talk to an Azure Container Registry via terraform? I want to load custom images from my

Terraform ECS Task Definition jsonencode issue

I get this error when applying terraform. It's clearly something wrong with my env_Vars. I've tried making name and value in quotes or without. Error: ECS Task

How to create schedule for the Update Manatement in Azure Automatiuon usin terraform

I'm trying to automate the update manager in Azure Automation using Terraform, but I can't find the information regarding the following 2 points: Schedule creat

Update bucket created in Terraform file results in BucketAlreadyOwnedByYou error

I need to add a policy to a bucket I create earlier on in my Terraform file. However, this errors with Error creating S3 bucket: BucketAlreadyOwnedByYou:

How do you set up an API Gateway Step Function integration using Terraform and aws_apigatewayv2_integration

I am looking for an example on how to start execution of a step function from API Gateway using Terraform and the aws_apigatewayv2_integration resource. I am us

How to connect to instance using terraform aws_instance resource

I created an aws_instance resource without any issue, but, I want to know how can I enable the SessionManager, the EC2 Instance Connect and EC2 Serial Console u

Generation of a set to be used in for_each

Is there a way to generate a set from an Integer? It would convenient if we have a number_of_instances parameter that is converted to set to be used in for_each

How to get Google Cloud Build working inside VPC Perimeter?

I have a question that is confusing me a little. I have a project locked down at the org level through a perimeter fence. This is to whitelist ip ranges to acce

AWS - Find event source mapping UUID

I need to import an event source mapping using Terraform and the documentation says: terraform import aws_lambda_event_source_mapping.event_source_mapping

error updating CloudFront Distribution (E32RNPFGEUHQ6J): InvalidWebACLId: Web ACL is not accessible by the requester

I am using terraform to create a web-acl in aws and want to associate that web-acl with CloudFront distribution. So, here's how my code looks like: provider "aw

Terraform azure provider gave me "features required field not set"

This code gave me error, even with the feature block. terraform { required_version = ">= 0.12" required_providers { azurerm = { source = "has

Azure AzApi provider in Terraform

I'm trying to use Azure AzApi provider to update the Azure key vault key rotation policy. Both "Azure AzApi provider" and Key Rotation Policy are very new featu

Terraform aws_wafv2_ip_set delete ip on apply

I have a resource aws_wafv2_ip_set that is used by many different modules. variable "addresses" { type = set(string) default = [] } resource "aws_wafv2_

Terraform aws_wafv2_ip_set delete ip on apply

I have a resource aws_wafv2_ip_set that is used by many different modules. variable "addresses" { type = set(string) default = [] } resource "aws_wafv2_

Create AWS Lambda function using Terraform

I faced with a problem concerning of creation of Lambda function using Terraform. I tried to follow a standard documentation of Terraform to configure it, but i