Category "terraform0.12+"

Enable Azure Monitor for existing Virtual machines using terraform

I am trying to enable azure monitor feature for existing virtual machines which checks for health and performance of the VM using terraform but I am not able to

Shall I use d.Set() for a computer attribute?

I'm adding a new resource to Terraform Provider using Terraform SDKv2 (can't use the new Terraform Plugin). One of new resource's attributes is the following: "

Terraform Error: Error locking state: Error acquiring the state lock: 2 errors occurred:

I tried terraform versions v0.12.26 and v0.13.3. Both failed. terraform plan Acquiring state lock. This may take a few moments... Error: Error locking state: Er

Azure devops Variables and Terraform

I am trying to create a azure key vault with the help of terraform where i want to save my DB password in my azure devops pipeline because obviously I cannot ha

Terraform: Reference locals values inside the creation block

Is it possible to reference another locals value inside the creation of a locals value? The example below was the smallest and simplest example I could come up

aws elasticbeanstalk terraform plan does not show sensitive setting

I am using terraform to provision elasticbeanstalk and there have been no changes in my template but still when I try to plan, it shows me below: # module.ab

Tagging autoscaling groups created by EKS

I created an AWS EKS Cluster with the terraform-aws-eks module. Terraform version is 1.0.6, aws provider version is 3.60.0. With these versions i should be able

Terraform: modules + output from for_each

I have a Terraform script using modules. I want to create multiple resources so I'm using the for_each method. Below is my variable configuration: variable brid