Category "testcase"

Android Mockito test cases with Retrofit

I am new to test cases and I am trying to write test cases for the below code but I did not get success after trying several method. My main target is to cover

0 and 1 - Switch Coverage in State Transition Testing?

This question is not programming related but related to one of test case design the technique. State Transition Diagram technique provides Test coverage by iden

how to solve "Your Connection Is Not Private" on katalon

While running katalon testcases on windows. I am facing "Your connection is not private" How can I bypass this in headless Chrome? I have tried to use web UI

Why all the test cases are not getting passed for the below question?

The Coding Question which I am trying to solve is this. I tried to solve but not all the test cases passed I am not able to find what could be the reason? Iden