I got the error message as shown below as I was trying to add listeners class in testng.xml, I will be really grateful if you could give me a clue. Thanks a mil
My code works, TestNG works, I got results as expected, but this error appears at the end of TestNG results: Error code: java.lang.AssertionError: Couldn't fin
When trying to run a test as a TestNG suite, I would get a very cryptic error message saying that TestNG can't launch because it references a non-existant proje
I try to execute the test several times with DataProvider. All works fine, but @BeforeTest and @AfterTest execute only one time, but I need this execution with
I try to execute the test several times with DataProvider. All works fine, but @BeforeTest and @AfterTest execute only one time, but I need this execution with
I am from QA automation and pretty new to jenkins, below is my case Process: I have a jenkins job which picks up a file criticalsuite.xml (testng) and triggers
I am trying to run testng.xml using gradle task but looks like its not picking it. Can someone please help me in identifying what I am missing here? Do I need t
Can you please let me know if we can merge the below 2 dataproviders public Object[][] dp1() { User user = new User(1L, "Arun"); Transaction trx = new Tr
I've tried to update Selenium webdriver version and now i cant run my tests because of following exception: Error: Could not find or load main class org.t
I'm implementing custom test listener called TestListenerAdapter in my project and I wrote the code to capture screenshot in onTestFailure method of listener cl
Seems like this is a very "popular" question on SO with no definitive way to fix it but I'm asking the question anyway because I can provide some more details.
When I right-click the class file and choose "Run As" TestNG isn't an option. I've added the TestNG jars by adding the dependency in the pom.xml and running as
I have a test suite called Test.XML. If I want to exclude any one class, how can I do that? Here is the Test.XML: <?xml version="1.0" encod
Is there a way to do assertions with OR with TestNG? This is what I am trying to find: assertEquals(expected, value1 || value2); // Can be any number of valu