Category "text"

find exact match with grep

I am attempting to take a fairly large dataframe of comments from a survey and use grep to identify comments that contain one of a list of keywords index <-

How can you find the height of text on an HTML canvas?

The spec has a context.measureText(text) function that will tell you how much width it would require to print that text, but I can't find a way to find out how

Reading a text file in Android Studio Kotlin and making pointers

I am fairly new to Android + Kotlin, however I am wondering if there is a faster way to read a text (.pgn) file and mark pointers to places in the file for late

How to parse this custom log file in Python3

The log file is generated by a program written in C++. Here is the demo log: |Frame:0|NUMBER:0 |Frame:1|NUMBER:1|{INDEX:0|RECT:[11,24][31,43]} |Frame:2|NUMBER:2

How to make new line input message by pressing shift + enter? Angular

I have a chat box with a single input field. I want to make handle new line input like Facebook's chatbox. My Chat Box: [1]:

Remove specific string char at the beginning of each lines of a txt file using python

I'm currently working on a script in python. I want to convert an xls file into a txt file but I also want to clean and manage the data. In the xls files, there

afterEffect, How to automatically shrink the text?

I want to make an AE template for others to use, in which I want the text to always be within the specified range. If the text content increases, it will automa

I am getting a Torch error when using the textEmbed() function in the Text Package in R

I am trying to run the textEmbed() function in R using the text package in text analysis. However, I keep on getting errors telling me I haven't installed torch

How to add `overflow` to SelectableText in Flutter?

There is SelectableText widget that allows you to make text selectable. But it misses the overflow parameter, which is required... Is there any workaround, whic

CSS - How to have children divs occupying the same vertical space as the text inside of the parent div

I am a beginner to web development and to CSS. I am creating a div that has text content inside of it. I want some of the text, the one that begins with "@", to

UNDO/REDO for JTextArea

I am writing a text editor. And here I ran into a problem. I need to implement UNDO and Redo function for JTextArea. For this I use UndoManager. But, if I cance

Flutter how to create responsive Text widget?

I'm facing a problem with responsive texts. In my app are different text font sizes and I need to do them responsive for different screen sizes (only phones and

My text box engine won't delete the text after progressing to the next text, or it won't keep the clone if it manages to delete the previous text

For the first one, I use broadcast (skip) and wait block under the hide and my whole text box engine. For the second one, I use broadcast (skip) under the hide

Reduce size of text in slack message

Is there a way to reduce the size of the text in slack messages just the way we have ways to make the text bold/italics?

Python/Pygame make text in Pygame wrap when in leaves the window

I have a text function that render text.The function is the following def textFunc(font,msg,color,x,y,center): text_render = font.render(msg,True,color)

R: Correct Way to Calculate Cosine Similarity?

I am working with the R programming language. I have the following data: text = structure(list(id = 1:8, reviews = c("I guess the employee decided to buy their

Left and right quotation mark render as unexpected character in Safari

I have a simple piece of text like so: <h1 class="intro-text" id="main-title">&lsquo;AN ABRAM&rsquo;</h1> This should render the f

How do I center text vertically and horizontally in Flutter?

I'd like to know how to center the contents of a Text widget vertically and horizontally in Flutter. I only know how to center the widget itself using Center(ch

Convert NetCDF file to CSV or text using Python

I'm trying to convert a netCDF file to either a CSV or text file using Python. I have read this post but I am still missing a step (I'm new to Python). It's a d

Anyway to read and write .png file and link .txt file named the same as .png file?

Its made in Windows Forms at the most, in a button public Photo(string filename) { bitmap = new Bitmap(filename); /*shows the pictu