I am attempting to take a fairly large dataframe of comments from a survey and use grep to identify comments that contain one of a list of keywords index <-
The spec has a context.measureText(text) function that will tell you how much width it would require to print that text, but I can't find a way to find out how
I am fairly new to Android + Kotlin, however I am wondering if there is a faster way to read a text (.pgn) file and mark pointers to places in the file for late
The log file is generated by a program written in C++. Here is the demo log: |Frame:0|NUMBER:0 |Frame:1|NUMBER:1|{INDEX:0|RECT:[11,24][31,43]} |Frame:2|NUMBER:2
I have a chat box with a single input field. I want to make handle new line input like Facebook's chatbox. My Chat Box: [1]: https://i.stack.imgur.com/NeG7d.png
I'm currently working on a script in python. I want to convert an xls file into a txt file but I also want to clean and manage the data. In the xls files, there
I want to make an AE template for others to use, in which I want the text to always be within the specified range. If the text content increases, it will automa
I am trying to run the textEmbed() function in R using the text package in text analysis. However, I keep on getting errors telling me I haven't installed torch
There is SelectableText widget that allows you to make text selectable. But it misses the overflow parameter, which is required... Is there any workaround, whic
I am a beginner to web development and to CSS. I am creating a div that has text content inside of it. I want some of the text, the one that begins with "@", to
I am writing a text editor. And here I ran into a problem. I need to implement UNDO and Redo function for JTextArea. For this I use UndoManager. But, if I cance
I'm facing a problem with responsive texts. In my app are different text font sizes and I need to do them responsive for different screen sizes (only phones and
For the first one, I use broadcast (skip) and wait block under the hide and my whole text box engine. For the second one, I use broadcast (skip) under the hide
Is there a way to reduce the size of the text in slack messages just the way we have ways to make the text bold/italics?
I have a text function that render text.The function is the following def textFunc(font,msg,color,x,y,center): text_render = font.render(msg,True,color)
I am working with the R programming language. I have the following data: text = structure(list(id = 1:8, reviews = c("I guess the employee decided to buy their
I have a simple piece of text like so: <h1 class="intro-text" id="main-title">‘AN ABRAM’</h1> This should render the f
I'd like to know how to center the contents of a Text widget vertically and horizontally in Flutter. I only know how to center the widget itself using Center(ch
I'm trying to convert a netCDF file to either a CSV or text file using Python. I have read this post but I am still missing a step (I'm new to Python). It's a d
Its made in Windows Forms at the most, in a button public Photo(string filename) { bitmap = new Bitmap(filename); /*shows the pictu