Category "textbox"

Check Textbox text is excel valid formula and use that function to calculate in VBA without storing any value in excel sheet

I am trying to learn EXCEL VBA. One of the tasks I am stuck with is how to verify textbox1.text is valid excel formula. I tried Worksheetfunction.isfunction(use

Export textbox and datagridview data to a WORD document. All to the same document

I got a Windows Forms application using C# and struggling now for over a week trying to export some textboxes and a datagridview data to a word document. I'v ma

How do I create a textBox autoCompleteSource from dataset table?

In my Winform I have a TextBox. I set it to "AutoComplete", and I want to know what to write in my code (c#), to set it's "AutoCompleteSource" to some column's

Is there a way to dynamically change the text of a textBox in Visual Studio with C# so that the value is a sum of values from other textboxes?

I need to have a text box that dynamically changes as values in other text boxes are being changed, and the value (would be an integer converted to string) of t

Placeholder in TextBox in Window Forms using VB.NET

I'm working on a Windows Forms application in VB.NET and I am currently making a login screen using labels and TextBoxes. What I need is the Placeholder in Text

Transparency for windows forms textbox

I'm using windows forms in C# and I need to make a textbox's background color transparent. I have a trackbar that goes from 0 to 255 that is supposed to control

How to disable textbox from editing?

I want to use a text box to display some text. I can not disable it, because then the scroll bar will not work. How can I prevent editing within the multi-line

Macro to resize all text boxes in a powerpoint presentation

I exported a PDF as a powerpoint presentation. The PDF had A4 pages, while the powerpoint has wide slides (16:9), and the text has ended up being centered in th

Watermark TextBox in WinForms

Can anyone point me to a good implementation of a basic Windows Forms TextBox that will initially show watermark text that disappears when the cursor enters it?

How to prevent TextBox auto scrolls when append text?

I have a multi-line TextBox with a vertical scrollbar that logs data from real-time processing. Currently, whenever a new line is added by textBox.AppendText(),

convert textbox to multiline with jquery

I have a single line textbox. I want to with jquery convert it to multiline but control how many lines that are added to it. I want to also be able to limit th