Category "textfield"

Flutter how to center Textfield on screen after the user taps on it?

I am just wondering how should I go about making the Textfield widget to be on the center of the screen when the user taps on it? Right now with what I have, th

How to disable copy/paste/cut in a TextField Jetpack Compose?

I'm trying to find a simple solution on how to disable copy/paste/cut in a TextField. I did come across a couple of question but no answer.

Flutter TextField "Changing the content within the the composing region may cause the input"

I created a new Flutter app and I'm trying to set an initial value in a TextField widget using a process I've used before in several apps. Whenever I edit conte

Flutter TextField "Changing the content within the the composing region may cause the input"

I created a new Flutter app and I'm trying to set an initial value in a TextField widget using a process I've used before in several apps. Whenever I edit conte

How Can I Adjust TextField Placeholder Color : SwiftUI

I found that I can customize TextField style in swift like this.. struct BottomLineTextFieldStyle: TextFieldStyle { func _body(configuration: TextField<

Saudi Iqama/National Identity number field validation

Can someone help me with the criteria for field validation for Saudi iqama/National Identification number? I know for Nationals it should start with 1 and for

SwiftUI Textfield state change stopped working with iOS 15.4.1

The following code has worked fine until iOS 15.4.1. It simply enables a button next to a textfield after the value entered is greater than 100000. It still w

SwiftUI: How to only run code when the user stops typing in a TextField?

so I'm trying to make a search bar that doesn't run the code that displays the results until the user stops typing for 2 seconds (AKA it should reset a sort of

How can I remove Textfield focus when I press return or click outside Textfield? (SwiftUI, MacOS)

How can I remove Textfield focus when I press return or click outside Textfield? Note that this is SwiftUI on MacOS. If I do this: import SwiftUI struct Cont

Multi style text editing for TextField composable in android jetpack compose

I want to change the text style (fontSize , color , fontWeight , ...) of a selected text in a TextFiled() composable , with a button in android jetpack compose.

How to remove underline below TextField?

Here is the code. I want to remove the black underline just below text, and currently the TextField is in edit mode: TextField( autofocus: true, de

Why does the Software Keyboard cause Widget Rebuilds on Open/Close?

I have a screen, which contains a Form with a StreamBuilder. when I load initial data from StreamBuilder, TextFormField show data as expected. When I tap inside

How to expand a textField in flutter looks like a text Area

When i tap in textField in landScape mode i would like to expand in full screen likes whatsapp Example gif Whats TextFormField( keyb

TextFormField validator not working - The method 'validate' was called on null

I am trying to build a simple login page for a new flutter app. The widget tree is very basic. It consists of a MaterialApp that contains a Scaffold. The 'home'

How to set controller and focusnode in custom TextField - Flutter

I'm trying to create my custom TextField widget with a dropdown list. I want to give it arguments of controller and focusnode. I don't want them to be required,

Widget rebuild after TextField selection Flutter

I'm developping a Flutter App that needed to have a form. So when the user open the app, a Splash Screen appear before the form that have the following code :

Copy Paste on pin text field in flutter not working

I have a PIN text field in flutter and I'm trying to paste the code in text field. However, only in the first text field is the code pasted and not in the other

How to submit individual input field without form

Recently, I've been writing some Javascript that interacts with a page. As a part of this, I need to be able to submit an HTML input field. From what I've seen

Default Values from API in MUI Text field

I have a form that I built using material UI that I would like to have their default values from an API. The main idea is an Edit screen where the user can edit

Flutter textfield that auto expands when text is entered and then starts scrolling the text when a certain height is reached

I've tried many configurations of the Flutter TextField but can't figure out how to build this one. I'm looking for a textfield that is a single line initially