Category "threadpoolexecutor"

futures.wait() or futures.as_completed() blocked while all futures are Completed or Cancelled

I have a bug with futures.as_completed() or futures.wait() that will be blocked indefinitely when all Futures are completed or cancelled. Here the steps to repr

Python ThreadPoolExecutor is faster than a loop for CPU-bound task. How come?

Recently I've been working on a project, and found behaviour that I don't understand. We have endpoint that fetches documents from mongodb and then applies tran

What are the defaults in Spring @Async?

Could you tell me what are the default parameters for Spring @Async ThreadPoolTaskExecutor or how can I find them one my own? What are the default values for m

How to know which specific runnable has died in my threadPoolExecutor?

I am running a fixed amount of threads using newFixedThreadPool() and need to be able to know when one of the runnables has died, and know which specific run

static ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor in CompletableFuture.Delayer

In java-9 the new method completeOnTimeout in the CompletableFuture class was introduced: public CompletableFuture<T> completeOnTimeout(T value, long time