Category "timezone"

c# parse date time with timezone

How can we parse date time with time zone. <TIMESTAMP_UTC>20180523160000</TIMESTAMP_UTC> <TIMEZONE>UTC+8</TIMEZONE> this should conve

PHP date() with timezone?

So I've checked the list of supported time zones in PHP and I was wondering how could I include them in the date() function? Thanks! I don't want a default time

how to manage the timezone which are not directly supported in java

we are getting the ZoneId object by passing the id string -> ZoneId.of("US/Alaska") While getting the timezone ids from java after passing the location name,

Convert a UTC timezone in postgresql to EST (local time)

I am new to PostgreSQL and I was wondering if there is a direct way to just convert the timestamp values in a table to a different timezone using a function. In

How to convert time from one timezone to another in PHP

I have a code see below. The time zone for the time 16:17 is Europe/Vilnius. My goal is to apply time zone $tz2 = 'Africa/Dakar' and get 16:17 time in Africa/Da

Possible bug with getTransitions in PHP 8.1?

I know a lot of date-related bugs have been fixed in PHP 8.1, but it may have introduced new ones... Take this code: $time_zone_id = 'America/Vancouver'; $timeZ

Joda Time DateTimeZone

I was going through TimeZone page at joda website and I came across this -05:00 EST -05:00 EST5EDT -05:00 Etc/GMT+5 I just wanted to know what does

How to get the current timestamp in other timezones in Golang?

I need to get the current time in different time-zones. Currently I know that we can do the following: t := time.Now() fmt.Println("Location:", t.Location(),

Kubernetes cluster default timezone?

I had a question about the timezone used by my Kubernetes Cluster. I know I can adjust the timezone of the pods( Howe

Get utc offset from timezone in Javascript

I need a Javascript function that given a timezone, returns the current utc offset. For example, theFuncIneed('US/Eastern') -> 240 Any idea? Thanks

Difference between timezones America/Los_Angeles and US/Pacific and PST8PDT?

I need to convert a bunch of dates in a MySQL database from Pacific time (America/Los_Angeles) to UTC. I found a great SO answer on how to do this. During my t

DateTime vs DateTimeOffset

What is the difference between a DateTime and a DateTimeOffset and when should one be used? Currently, we have a standard way of dealing with .NET DateTimes in

MySQL default time format UTC or GMT?

Hi I'm so confused with this UTC and GMT I'm inserting in MySQL table as ex column "event_date" like "2010-07-01 23:50:00" (datetime) my client asking an opti

How to preserve timezone when parsing date/time strings with strptime()?

I have a CSV dumpfile from a Blackberry IPD backup, created using IPDDump. The date/time strings in here look something like this (where EST is an Australian ti