Category "tinymce"

Adding mustache template variables while editing in TinyMCE

I'd like to use the TinyMCE editor to write text that includes Mustache template variables, specifically to include repeating groups. I'm willing to use the ht

how add image upload in TinyMCeditor laravel

i'm trying to upload images in between my blog content but when i select images from the gallery its shoes the error Route[/] not found, even though the route i

How to set the left, top position of a TinyMCE editor?

I'm initializing TinyMCE on a textarea that has an absolute position (e.g. left: 100px, top:100px) but TinyMCE's is set to left: 0px, top: 0px. Unfortunately, I

TinyMCE deletes some <a> tags. Settings ignored

I've been trying to force TinyMCE to not delete my a tags with every setting that is available and have had no luck (also looked at 20+ posts here - most being

Get the edited content in tinyMCE 6

I am integrating TinyMCE in my ember.js app. Unfortunately I cannot get back the edited content, or at least, all of it. tinymce.init({ selector: '#'+

Inserting Link on a variable doesn't work on a CMS page using Tinymce wysiwyg editor [magento2]

Link on a variable doesn't work on a CMS page using Tinymce wysiwyg editor On the CMS page when we insert the variable and added the link to that variable, the

How to configure TinyMCE 6 to insert a <br> by pressing only Enter (rather than Shift+Enter)?

How can I configure TinyMCE 6 to insert a <br> by pressing only Enter (rather than Shift+Enter)? For example, when I run the following, I cannot create a

Non editable content allowed to delete. How to restrict this?

We have used the TinyMCE editor with "non editable" plugin. we tried to delete the non editable content, it is deleted. How to restrict the delete(delete/backsp

TinyMCE editor is not loading because document is not in standards mode - how can I get my document in standards mode?

I am so close to getting the TinyMCE editor to work at our site. The necessary scripts when adding a discussion are loading.I can see them in the HTML source. A

Markdown to html javascript

I actually use TinyMCE (4.8.2) on my application for multiple fields. i automatize fields by json content from JIRA API. BUT... One of the field is already in M

V-model and TinyMCE doesn't work together

I'm trying to get Vuejs and TinyMCE to work together. I use @tinymce/tinymce-vue package which is the vue integration for TinyMCE. I had followed all the instru

How can I detect onChange event in TinyMCE custom plugin it?

I'm trying to develop a custom TinyMCE plugin which will load the items for a selectbox list based on the options of another selectbox list. However, I cannot f

TinyMCE shows error in the editor

I have used tinyMCE for my project. but now I am getting a below error This domain is not registered with TinyMCE Cloud. Start a free trial to discover our pre

how to add class on table using javascript in tinymce?

I have some problem to add class on table. I wanna this code <table></table> become this code by click a button in tinymce. <t

TinyMCE4 `image_list` external url

I am trying to get TinyMCE 4's image_list to work with a URL returning JSON data as specified in the example here. I have setup a GET endpoint

tinymce automatic list items

I am using the tinymce lib. this is my code: <div class="beschreibung"></div> <script> tinymce.init({ selector: '.beschreibung', inline

tinymce disappears and only plain text area is visible when I write setup function inside tinmyce.init()

Please see code below: tinymce.init({ selector:"#editArea", //id of my textarea to be replaced by tinymce plugins : [ "advlis

Insert/Edit link modal text fields can't be focused TinyMce Wordpress

I have a TinyMce instance inside a bootstrap Modal. When i click the "Insert/Edit Link" button, the modal opens correctly but the text fields are not focusable

Prevent auto focus on tinymce in angular 2

Can anyone help me how to prevent auto focus in angular 2. I don't have idea how to do it in angular 2, but I am able to do it jquery: $('form *:input[type!=h

How to handle image upload in angular 5 Tiny MCE component?

I am using TinyMCE editor in angular my angular 5 project, and want to handle image uploads, which I am currently not able to do. Here is my current code: <e